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Reading Comprehension

The passage below describes how the writer, Reena deals with stress in her life

Paragraph 1
Dont lose yourself, the old, bedridden man said. I was five at that time, and my family was visiting him. Honestly, I cant remember how we knew him. But two decades later, this words haunted me as I lay on my bed and struggled to come to terms with my life.

Paragraph 2
For years, I had been under a lot of stress. I remember clearly an incident that took place when I was 14. As I walked home from school one day, I was overcome by the urge to sit in a corner and weep. I barely managed to reach my flat before bursting into tears. These overwhelming, unexplained feelings frightened me.

Paragraph 3
By the time I was 16, these outbursts were happening more often. Initially, the outbursts happened for no reason, but now everything became a reason-a stern look from a teacher or even a long queue at the canteen stall. It did not matter whether the situations were happy, sad or indifferent, all would be twisted by my mind resulting in an unpleasant feeling.

Paragraph 4
One incident I recall vividly was a call from Maria. After a short chat, she said she had to go because her mum was calling her. I spent the next two days feeling terribly upset. Meanwhile, a little voice in my mind kept telling me how incompetent and hopeless I was. Most of the time, I kept everything a secret because I was both scared and confused. The only comfort was that I wrote about all my feelings in my journal.

Paragraph 5
Some of my friends were aware of my problems for they tried to talk to me about my difficult domestic life. My father always scolded my two younger sisters and I and my mother did little to support us. I now realize my family problems were a major contributory factor for my high stress level. However, at that time I denied anything was wrong.

Paragraph 6
When I turned 17, I concluded that the only way to stop my suffering was to simply not to feel anything. It was not difficult as I was bogged down with my studies as well as looking after my siblings that I had no time to think, much less feel. The numbness was a huge relief from my mood swings, but soon I felt a great emptiness in my heart. Thus, I forced myself to go out and make new friends.

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