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Shaykh Ibrahim as's many works include:

Kshif al-'ilbs an Fayati l-Khatmi 'Ab l-Abbs ("Lifting the confusion about the Faya [Flood] of the Seal [of the saints] Ab l-Abbs [Ahmad at-Tijn]"). Edited by Shaykh Tijn Al Sse. Ash-Sharka ad-dawliyya li--iba, Cairo, Egypt. Jawhir ar-ras'il ("Pearls of the letters"), a compendium of letters, fatwas, and other short communications by Ibrhm as. As-sirr al-'akbar ("The greatest secret")*Countless anthologies of poems, which have been published in Ad-Dawwn as-Sitt ("the Six Anthologies"), Jmi Jawmi adDawwn ("Collection of collections of Anthologies"), and Majm Rilt ash-Shaykh 'Ibrhm ("The Compendium of Travels of Shaykh Ibrhm"). All of these were edited by his son Shaykh Muammad al-Ma'mn Ibrhm as. Kitb at-tarf ("The Book of Arabic morphology"), a book commonly used in Arabic schools throughout Senegal. Mansik al-ajj al-mubrakah al-musammt: tufat 'ahl al-dirah bi-m yanfa al-jj siyyam f -'irah ("Rituals of the blessed pilgrimage, or: gems for city people to benefit the pilgrim, especially one traveling by airplane"). Edited by Shaykh Tijn Al Sse. A number of fatwas (legal opinions), including: Wajh at-taqq f kawn jmi medna huwa l-atq ("Verification that the longstanding rule of the precondition of a mosque is a city"), concerning the circumstances in which a Friday mosque should be built; and Bath f thubt ru'yat al-hill ("Study on establishing the sighting of the new moon"), concerning when to end the month of Raman and its fast. In addition to his printed works, dozens of cassette tapes of Ibrhm as are readily available in Senegal, including complete Tafsr al-Qur'n (interpretations of the Qur'an) in Wolof and Arabic, several recitations of the Mawlid an-nabaw (birth [and life] of Muhammad), also in Wolof and Arabic, and speeches on various religious and practical subjects in Wolof.

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