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Imagine spending life in prison just for telling the truth

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U.S. Soldier and Nobel Prize Nominee Bradley Manning has spent 1,000 days in imprisonment without trial and has been tortured for exposing war crimes.
About Accused Wikileaks Whistleblower Bradley Manning:
The 23-year-old U.S. Army intelligence analyst is accused of sharing a video of the killing of civilians-including two Reuters journalists-by a U.S. helicopter in Baghdad, Iraq, of blowing the whistle on the Afghan War Diary, the Iraq War Logs, and of revealing US diplomatic cables via the website Wikileaks. The leaked video and documents have illuminated the true number and cause of civilian casualties in Iraq and Afghanistan, human rights abuses by U.S. funded contractors and foreign militaries, and the role that spying and bribes play in international diplomacy. Manning has been physically/psychologically tortured at U.S. marine base Quantico in the process. He has also been imprisoned for over three years without trial. It is important to point out, that President Obama and General Martin Dempsey both directly breached the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ, Article 37) rules prohibiting Unlawfully Influencing Action of the Court as they both made the following statement "We are a nation of laws and he (Manning) broke the law."

But What Exactly did Wikileaks Expose?

The slaughter of innocent civilians at the hands of the US military Revealed that Guantanamo prisoners were known (by the U.S. government) to be innocent, but still were detained. Detailed DynCorp's (defense contractors) involvement in international child trafficking. Unveiled Obama's persuasion of Yemen leaders to falsely accept the blame for a drone strike that killed civilians. Demonstrated U.S. government's awareness of civilian drone casualties.

Watch the Video: "Collateral Murder":

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