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:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.: -----=====Earth's Dreamlands=====----(313)558-5024 {14.4} - (313)558-5517 A BBS for text file junkies RPGNet GM File Archive Site .:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.

By: John Givler ---------------------------------------------------------------------The Chiaroscuro Description: The Chiaroscuro makes his living by scaring people with the use of intimidation. They are modeled aafter scaremongers who you their abilities to strike fear in the hearts ofthose that oppose them. The Chiaroscuro cares for no one except himself. Their main attributes are strength, charisma, and intelligence. In order to become a Chiaroscuro the character needs at least a 14 in each ability. A high constitution is also important. Role: The Chiaroscuro is a madman, that gets enjoyment out of torturing people and seeing them summit their wills. They will intimidate for fun, or for a price. The Chiaroscuro can find jobs as spies, thugs, torturers, and hired hit-men. Legal Issues: The Chiaroscuro is a bully, or scaremonger. He uses his intimidation ability to scare people, but seldom really breaks the law. People that get tired of his tactics will react to his picking on weaker people. But as for leagal issues, nothing can be done unless he has broken a law. Secondary Skills: If your DM is using secondary skills the character can select any of the following secondary skills: Groom, Hunter, Leather worker, Trapper/Furrier. The character can have any one of the four. Weapon Proficiencies: Required: Battle axe, dagger, any pole arm, scourge, any sword, and the whip. The Chiaroscuro must become proficient in these weapons before gaining proficiencies in any other weapon. Nonweapon Proficiencies: Bonus proficiencies: Intimidation. Recommended (General): Animal handling, carpentry, fire-building, leather working, rope use, singing, stonemasonry; (Rogue): Endurance, fast-talking, information gathering, observation, reading lips, and voice mimicry. Skill Progression: The Chiaroscuro is highly skilled in the abilities of Hiding in Shadows, Moving Silently, and Hearing Noises. And he is even distributed among the other thief abilities. Equipment: Any device that is large and scary looking will be purchased by a Chiarscuro. Some will buy things like spiked gloves, and supplies to build torture chambers or what trinket they think could be used to help intimidate someone. They have elaborate names engraved on their swords like: Throat Slasher, or Death Bringer. Special Benefits: The Chiaroscuro has the nonproficiency of

intimidation. He recieves a bonus of +1 for this ability which increases every four levels to a maximum of +4 to his die role. Special Hindrances: The Chiaroscuro only recieve the bonus if he has the proficienies of animal handling, information gathering, and observation. Reading lips is also recoomended but not necessary. The Chiaroscuro must be any evil, and they do not recieve a 10 percent bonus to earned experience. While the Chiaroscuro can have any monetary amount of treasure, they cannot have more treasure than they can carry so a bag of holding will be very useful. Races: Any race that enjoys torturing people may become a Chiaroscuro, but it is only recommended for humans, and halfelves. Nonhuman characters are limited to their racial restrictions of their choosen class. Notes: The Chiaroscuro needs skill such as carpentry, leatherworking,and stonemasonry to design different types of torture chambers. Whatever type of torture the character wishes to use is left up to the player and the DM. The Chiaroscuro usually gets paid to torture someone, but sometimes it is done just for fun. In either case the Chiaroscuro does not care what the person's alignment is. This kit is for the thief class. * Origin: Pennsylvania Online! 5 gigs [60,000+ files] 717-657-8699 (1:270/101)

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