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Antibiotic natural - Usturoiul - Ulei de oregano - Cuisoarele - Patlagina - Biosept http://www.mamanatura.

ro/sanatate/recomandari/suplim_nutritive/biosept_antibioti c_natural_30cps-p10030706

Brain Power --- Look for brain training - Meds: cognitive powers best strategies I ve discovered so far to enhance mental performance 1. Brain Training with Lumosity (30-60 minutes) I listened to audio version of the book The Brain That Changes Itself by Norman Doidge MD. The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science 2-Intermittent Fasting 8h ----> 16h fasing 3 - Exercise To Be Smarter 4 - Challenging Skills-Acquisition - MVC & C# , start projects 5- Meditation with the Brain Evolution System Serotonin,Acetylcholine 8- Omega 3 and 6 9- Brain Boosting Beverages Gingko Biloba,Gingko Biloba

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