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Yamina Hamadache

When we look at an object we can often ascertain its purpose (telos) by either asking the creator or seeing how it can be used. The teleological argument views the Universe as something which is made, which points to a maker God.

The Universe shows signs of regularity (the seasons, orbiting of planets). This regulation is evidence of an ultimate Creator. Thomas Aquinas 5th Way A natural inanimate object manages to fulfil purpose by working in regularity although it has no intelligence, therefore there must be some external intelligent being to account for their purposeful behaviour

This part of the argument states that the Universe works together in such a precise way that it must have been created. William Paley uses the analogy of the watch; if you picked up a watch youd know its made as it all fits together. Similarly the Universe fits together and so must be made. He also used the eye as an example how it is adapted to light. Arthur Brown a feature like the ozone layer must be seen as a mighty proof of the Creators forthought

One can accept the order and purpose in the world, but that need not necessarily lead to a Creator. Pierre Laplace replied to Napoleon I have no need of that hypothesis when asked why he had not included God in his cosmology. Hume argues that it is illegitimate to infer purpose on something when there is no proof that it has been made. He also said that, supposing the Universe WAS created, natural and moral evil suggest an unintelligent or imperfect being as the creator. He formulated the epicurean hypothesis: after time randomness will evolve into an ordered system i.e. The order we see today is not a product of a creator, but regularity born of irregularity!

John Stuart Mill agreed with Hume; he thought that the disorder of the Universe points to a God which is neither omnipotent, nor benevolent. He also challenged the idea that this Creator must be the God of Classical Theism the Universe could have been created by a host of gods. In his book Origin of Species Charles Darwin created the theory of natural selection the idea that advantageous genotypes survive by outcompeting the others, resulting in species adapted to habitat. William Paley draws parallels between a clock (something artificially manufactured) and an eye the product of millions of years of evolution. They cannot compare, and with evolution no reference to external intelligence is needed as an explanation.

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