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ABSTRACT The researchers main study was about the idea of STI parent on One- Child Policy.

The researchers chose this topic to work on because they wanted to know the ideas of the parents about One- child policy. As of what we knew, there was no Onechild policy yet in the Philippines. The researchers have successfully gathered information that addresses this policy in the form of giving out questionnaires to 11 parents of STI Grade School High School. The results from the survey provided the researchers important answer given by the respondents. Furthermore, based on the survey institutions, it provides necessary effects of One- child policy in themselves to form the idea of One- child policy to the parents. The One- child policy promotes One- child families and forbids couples from having more than One- child. Parents with multiple children arent given the same benefits as parents of one child. Couples here in the Philippines believe that it is better to have more children so that it will be easy for them to make money and they have someone to take care of them when they grow old. (Annely, 2000) The researchers concluded that the parents here in STI dont want the policy to be implemented here in the Philippines. The respondents said that they prefer to have 2 to 3 children because it makes them happier.

I. INTRODUCTION One-child policy refers to the one-child limitation on most families in the population control policy. It is a policy introduced in populated and over populated countries. This policy helps our country to lessen the increasing population and poverty. The population of the Philippines is getting larger and larger as years passed by. Many and many children are born and this is hardly avoided. In the average, a couple usually has 6-12 children. This happens because they were uneducated and they dont have the knowledge of what family planning is. A child cant go to school because his/her parents cant send him/her to school. If they can, not all the things needed for school can be bought and the main cause of this is poverty. The Philippines is already overpopulated and can't feed itself. It would be a sort of blessings if population will be lessened. The Philippines is still poor because it has too many people competing for a few resources. While the small upper and middle class people live in lovely homes, the vast majority of Filipinos have barely adequate housing and many live in horrible circumstances. We all know the horror stories about Filipinos living in trash dumps, cemeteries, and marshes. Such human suffering is a human rights issue. (Sherman, 2008) This policy depends on how it will be implemented. People can be encouraged to have only one child if free government schooling and hospitalization is only available to

the first child. In that way couples still have the option to have more

children but will not have the same government benefits for the second child onwards. This is just an example of how to motivate people to follow the policy without violating human rights. The individual savings rate has increased since one-child policy was introduced. This has been partially attributed to the policy in two respects. First, the average household spends fewer resources, both in terms of time and money, on children, which gives people more money with which to invest. Second, since young person can no longer rely on children to care for them in their old age, there is an impetus to save money for the future. The original intent of the one-child policy was in economic, to reduce the demand of natural resources maintaining a steady labor rate reducing unemployment caused from surplus labor and reducing the rate of exploitation. We think the whole world should start thinking about smaller families. Just look at all the destructions that we did in our nature. We don't think that we need policies but government leaders should bring up the idea that it would be a good thing to have smaller families. If we had smaller families worldwide, we could also make other changes to deal with social issues related to social security systems. We could allow more immigration/migration to solve economic issues. (Koon, 2004)


Respondents: One of the main objectives of the research was to be able to know the different idea of STI parents on One-child Policy inside the campus of STI Grade school High school. The researchers conducted a survey among the parents of STI Grade SchoolHigh School. Questionnaires were given to 11 respondents. Gender and age were also noted. Furthermore, parents who have answered the survey forms mostly had an age ranging from 25 to 45 years old. Locale of the study: For convenience and practically, the researchers decided to conduct the survey inside the campus of STI Grade school High School itself. The questionnaire was carefully developed and prepared for about a week and was handed to the respondents. It took the researchers another week to gather the data and accomplish the tasks in interpreting the information that was collected. Survey Form: A questionnaire was developed in order to find out how One-child Policy is being introduced to parents. Ten questions were used in determining the predictor and impact variables of the study. The first half of the questionnaire was made for the sole purpose of determining the respondents ideas of how the policy affects the way of life of a child while the latter part determines the idea of the parents on how the policy contributes to lessen the poverty in the Philippines. Process:

The focus of the research was to know the idea of the parents on One-child Policy. In order for the researchers to obtain valuable data, they developed a detailed questionnaire that will help them in the study. The questionnaire was distributed individually from person to person by the researchers themselves in order to ensure validity of the input provided by the respondents. After the surveys were successfully answered, they were collected by the researchers to be interpreted.


Illustrations of graphs were shown to interpret the ideas of the respondents on the policy. There were 26 respondents who answered the questionnaires. Each questionnaire was based from the 3 Hypothetical questions. In getting the percentage, the formula used was Number of answers total number of respondents 100

Q1. Is implementing One-child Policy affects the way of life of a child?

Q1.1. Will you still be happy if you have only one child in your family?

(Based on the graph, 44.44% of the respondent disagreed while 55.56% of the respondents agreed on having the policy.)

Based on this research, most of the respondents didnt agree on the policy. They prefer to have 2 to 3 children than having only one child. They said that having children completes their lives.

Q1.2. Will it be easy for you to buy the needs of your family?

(Among all the 11 respondents, 81.85% of the respondents agreed and 18.18% of the disagreed.)

Based on the graph, 81.85% of the respondents said that it will be easy for them to buy the needs of his/ her family if One- child policy is implemented in their family. They will have more chance of buying the things that is needed. If there are less family members, then there are less family expenses.

Q1.3.Will your life be easier to live if One-child policy is implemented in your family?

(Among the 11 respondents, 90.91% of them agreed while 9.09% of them disagree.)

Based on this research, most of the respondents wanted to live with many children. They say that it makes them happier if they live with many children. Even

though there is a thought of comparison and competition of belongings that causes conflicts and troubles, many of them wanted to continue their life with a happy family.

Q1.4. Will the relationship of your family be stronger if all the attention is shown to your child?

(Among the 11 respondents, 36.36% did not agree while 63.64% agreed.)

Based on this research according to the respondents, there should be balanced attention and should not be on one child only. There are other things, aside from the number of children and focusing on one child make up a stronger family relationship.

Q2. Is having One-child Policy lessens economic problems in our country?


Q2.1. Will one-child policy lessen poverty in our country?

(Among 11 respondents, 81.82% of them agreed and 18.18% of them disagreed.)

Based on this research, it is clear that most of the respondents said yes, poverty will be lessened when One-child policy is implemented in our country while the other respondents did not agree that One-child policy can solve poverty.

Q2.2. Will onechild policy lessen unemployment in our country?


(Among the 11 respondents, 63.64% said yes while 36.36% did not agree.)

Based on this research, most of the respondents agree that One-child policy can lessen unemployment here in our country while some did not agree that unemployment will be lessened.

Q2.3. Will one-child policy lessen crimes in our country?


(Among the 11 respondents, 27.27% said yes, while 72.73 did not agree.)

Based on this research, many did not agree that One-child policy can solve crimes in our country. It is because they did not see the connection of our population in the Philippines.

Q3. If One- child Policy be implemented, is it the best opportunity to a number of people who cannot eat, read, write and go to school?

Q3.1. Will a number of people who cannot read and write be lessen if this policy is implemented?

(Among the 11 respondents, 54.55% agreed that it will lessen a number of people who cannot read and write while 45.45%disagreed.)

Based on this research, most of the respondents agreed. They said that they can concentrate their attention to their only child. They will be having time in teaching their child. If money is earned, it may be invested for better education. They will surely attend to all the educational needs of their child.

Q3.2. Will this policy lessen the number of people who cannot eat?

(All of the respondents agreed that this will lessen the number of people who cannot eat.)

Based on this research, all of the respondents agreed because there will be lesser demand from the market and lesser mouths to feed. They will also be able to provide the needs of their family.

Q3.3. In the future, would you agree that every child gets a good job if this policy is implemented?


(The outcome of the survey showed that 72.73% of the respondents agreed while 27.27% of them disagreed.)

Based on this research, many respondents agreed that every child would get good jobs if this policy is being implemented. It was a good idea for it will be hard for the government to employ if the population is not big unlike what we have today.



This research affirms the idea of the parents on One-Child Policy. Based on the survey that we did, most of the parents didnt want the policy to be implemented in the Philippines. The result told us that most of the parents want to have many children because it makes them happier. Family Planning Offices should introduce it to couples so that they will have an early idea on how many children to have. It will also be better if they encourage couples to follow the policy. Family Planning Offices should provide a better health service for women and they should receive free contraception and prenatal classes. These help are provided for pregnant women to closely monitor their health. In various places, the government rolled out a Care for Girls program which aims at eliminating cultural discrimination against girls in rural and underdeveloped areas through subsidies and education. (Tam, 2009) The research affirms that the policy is meant to teach the parents in preventing poverty in the Philippines. The policy is a good way to lessen the increasing number of population in our country. If the policy is implemented, the life of a child in a family is affected. The disadvantage is a child might not live a happy life without sibling/s. It is really hard to live without sibling/s and be lonely but if your life is very miserable and poor, you cannot live a harmonious life especially when it talks about the needs in financial assistance for a family to be able to survive life because we all know that money is needed by everyone. Another disadvantage for children in a family, there is envy of anothers possession of a thing. This is a usual problem which causes conflict in a family. If there are disadvantages, there are advantages of being an only child in a family. An example is a parents child can buy his/her son/daughters needs and wants.

Childs parents have the ability to buy those things in order to be satisfied and live a convenient life. The One-Child Policy is also a way to lessen the number of people who cannot read and or write simply, cannot go to school. If this policy is allowed in our country, people will have opportunity to be educated. If the child finish schooling and graduated, they will have a better future. They will be having good jobs because there will be opportunity for everyone to work. They will not be having a hard time looking for job because population will be decreased. We therefore conclude that if this policy is being implemented on our country, poverty will be lessened and our economy will cope up from crises. There will be no crimes because there is no need to do crime when our country is in good situation. If the people in our country will follow this policy they will reach their satisfaction. It will also improve and develop our countrys economy. People living in our country will no longer suffer from hunger and thirst. There will be no shortage of food and other basic needs. This research is a great help to educate people about the study. This will be effective if taught to students and they will benefit from this. There is a possibility to have a better state of living, yet for others who dont know yet the policy, this will be a great help to improve the life of a child.



Sandler, L. (2010). One and Done. Time, 176, pp. 32-39. Beech, H. (2010). Cousin Removed. Time, 176, pp. 40.


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