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Name: Amanda Morse Date: 9/28/12 Period: 7 Assignment: Early Human Inquiry

Early Humans Inquiry History 30% Project Inquiry What is Your Question? (Complex QuestionHow, Why or What)
How did the Australopithecus survive when their region got severely destroyed?

Prediction What do you think you will find? (Be specific; Draw connections)
I think that Im going to find that the Australopithecus would try to rebuild their region. A different thing that I might find could be that they would try to take over another Australopithecus territory. Another prediction of mine is that they would move to somewhere close that was not destroyed.

Investigation What did you uncover? (Expected and unexpected answers to your question)
I didnt get the answer to my question but I did find something that was interesting about Australopithecus. What I found interesting was that the first Australopithecus (Lucy) might have had a child. Scientists found the near complete remains of a child of the same species of early hominid. They nicknamed the child Lucys baby. The remains of Lucys baby were discovered in Ethiopia in 2000.

References Who were your expert sources? (Identify names, organizations, dates)
Mann, Alan, and Janet Monge. "Australopithecus." Grolier

Name: Amanda Morse Date: 9/28/12 Period: 7 Assignment: Early Human Inquiry

Multimedia Encyclopedia. Grolier Online, 2012. Web. 1 Oct. 2012. Name of the Article: Australopithecus

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