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The main purpose of our ticket booking system is to provide an alternate and convenient way for a customer to buy cinema tickets. This system called Cinema Reservation System that develops by java language using eclips. There are some modules that we implement in this system such as Login, searching, update and calculate.

This system is user friendly. For the first time the user have to give their identification card to the staff for registration. Once they have been registered, the user can book the movie by using computer that has been provided.

Task Division Siti Hawa Binti Abd Hamid Login Admin Database Nurisma Binti Ahmad Calculation Admin Database Report

Class Diagram


Interface Admin

Figure 1.0 : Login Admin

Figure 1.1 : Search Movie

Figure 1.2 : Register Customer

Figure 1.3 : Search Customer

Figure 1.4 : Calculation

Interface Customers


Figure 2.0 : Login Customers

Figure 2.1 : Booking

Conclusion This system helps us to improve our programming skills using java language. Besides helping managing the package information which makes the management becomes easier.

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