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MastHead of magazine
I have decided the masthead of my magazine will be Dope. This is because it is short and will attract the attention of my target audience as it will be a term they are familiar with associating with Hip Hop. Therefore they will know that the magazine has contents that will interest them.

I have chosen Hip Hop to be the genre of music in my magazine. I have chosen this genre because it is my personal interest in music which means I already have a lot of background knowledge about Hip Hop that I can apply to my magazine. Therefore I know what topics followers of Hip Hop would like to see in a Hip Hop music magazine as I am one myself.

My Target Audience
My target audience will consist of British Black and British Asians males which is different to the mainstream audience of Hip Hop (African-American). This is because I wanted to take a unique approach to this topic and because there is a lot of interest in Hip Hop in these groups but, they are very rarely reflected in the music magazines associated with Hip Hop.

Initial Ideas for

For my front cover, I want shot of a Hip Hop act Black male and one British

Front Cover
to use a Medium long made up of one British Asian Male wearing Hip

Hop associated clothing. Also the image should reflect attitude as this characteristic is associated with Hip Hop artist. I might possibly colour the masthead red as it stands out and its connotations are of danger which can be associated with the bad attitude of my artist shown in my MLS shot. This colour along with black could be the house colours of my magazine as they both resemble attitude which can be associated with my genre of music. Moreover, the sell lines will be related to my music genre and my main artist and other artist in the genre. Also it will relate to the contents of my magazine.

Initial Ideas for My Contents Page

For my contents page, I will have a list of features on the right hand side so the interesting articles in the magazine. In addition, an Editors note nears the bottom of the page. My main Image will be just above it. This image will most likely be a high or low angle shot. The word contents will be at the top of the page in big font in the right hand corner of page separated into 3 parts. It will have a list of regulars also on the right hand side to add more variety of contents. The masthead of the magazine will be at the top with a date in the top left corner.

Initial Ideas for My Double Spread Article

For my double page spread, I will devote an entire page to my image of my cover artist and this image will reflect the contents of the article. I will also use a pull quote that will be placed on the top right hand corner of this page. On the other page I will have my article that will be based on an interview with my cover artist. The questions asked might be in bold black font to show the reader what each answer below it was about.

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