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NURS 2516 Clinical Medications Worksheets Generic Name Theragran Peak Unknown Trade Name Multivitamin Onset Unknown

Classification Multivitamin Duration Unknown Dose 1 Tab Route PO Time/frequency 1 Q Day

For IV meds, compatibility with IV drips and /or solutions N/A Normal Dosage Range: 1/day Nursing Implications (what to focus on) Contraindications/warnings/interactions Should be avoided in patients with known alcohol intolerance, Hypersensitivity to preservatives, colorants, or additives including tartrazine, saccharin, and aspartame (oral forms) Common side effects GU: Urine discoloration. MISC: allergic reactions to preservatives, additives, or colorants. Lab value alterations caused by medicine N/A

Mechanism of action and indications (Why med ordered) Dietary supplement for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiencies. These vitamins are necessary for normal growth and development. Many act as coenzymes or catalysts in numerous metabolic processes.

Interactions with other patient drugs, OTC or herbal medicines (ask patient specifically) None for this patient

Nursing Process- Assessment (Pre-administration assessment) Signs of nutritional deficiency

Be sure to teach the patient the following about this medication Chewable tablets should be crushed or chewed before swallowing a well balanced diet is the best source of vitamins. Assessment Evaluation Why would you hold or not give this Check after giving med? Signs of nutritional deficiency. Signs of overdose, allergic reactions

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