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RUN! To move with haste; act quickly.

Thursday, February 27 12:05 PM Trevor is sitting on Roses couch as he guzzles down his second of glass of water. Rose is standing over him wearing a serious facial expression as she stares down at Trevor with her hands on her waist. Rose says, Are you ready to tell me what the hell happened to you? Trevor says, Yeah sure. So Trevor says, Oi God! Let me take the stage for this tale. ave a seat in the front row, Ah got this. Okay, Rose, while we were talkin on the telly, a missile ripped through my gaff n everyting appened in a flash. All Ah know is that some wanker killed Ling as were makin a break ta our plane. N then a platoon o Al-Qaeda soldiers blew up our plane; leavin us stranded in the middle o the desert. Rose: WHAT?! Are you serious? Let me paint the picture for ya, luv Jen, Malik, Kev, Mr. U, n myself were trapped behind a van as Al-Qaeda soldiers shot up our last van. The fuckin tosser that killed my mate continued ta watch on. Ah peeked my ead out once the ail o bullet alted n Ah saw that damn tosser smilin ear ta ear like a bloody clown. onestly, Ah gave up for ten second cus all our ammo was in the bloody flamin gaff n at that

point, the outcome o livin didnt look ta good on our end. One o the Al-Qaeda squad leaders yelled out, . Ah then looked over ta Malik n said ta im, Whats the plan? He said ta me, I was gonna ask you the same question. This is lookin kinda sticky, Trevor. Ah then forced a smile ta my bloody mug cus Ah didnt wanna show my fear o defeat ta my crew. Ah said ta Malik, We ave been in sticker rumbles, govnor. Well be Robin. The Al-Qaeda squad leader yelled out, . . . . . . . . . Roarin outta the darkness came two missiles, impactin wit all four jeeps that was filled wit Al-Queda soldiers. Awe my! The night lit up like four n July as ya Yanks would say. My eart was poundin against my chest as we franticly search beyond our flamin plane for the shooters. A black SUV raced outta the darkness n the drivers door opened; instead of bullets rainin outta the vehicle a familiar voice ranged out. The voice yelled, Bigglesworth! Get the hell in! Ah then opped ta my feet n ta my surprised it was my somewhat o good mate, Agent Winter n is Asian lass sidekick. Ah actually think their partnership is kinda creepy if ya ask me. The crew ran ta the SUV fast as they could. Ah glanced over ta the torched Al-Qaeda soldiers n noticin the wanker who killed Ling ealin from his burns. Ah then noticed Mr. U and Winter bickerin over whos gonna drive. Ah looked over at Winter n said ta im, Let im drive. Trust me. As Winter was exiting the driver seat he stared Mr. U in his eyes wit a cold, emotionless stare n said ta im, If you scratch this truck Im going to snap your neck. Mr. U smiled as hes entered the drivers seat n said ta Winter, Im planning on fucking this truck up. Mr. U was drivin the truck, Winter was in the passenger seat, myself, Winters sidekick Wednesday, n Jen were in the second row, n Malik n Kev were in the last row. Ah turned ta

talk ta Malik n Wednesday was starin in my face wit a big smile on er face. It was very creepy, kinda like the Pope in a boys only Catholic school. She said ta me, HI! Youre Trevor E. Bigglesworth! Ah said ta er, That is a fact. Whats ya name again? She said ta me, Wednesday! And in my first year with the CIA I was doing surveillance on you during that time you robbed the World Bank back in 06. I was in the team that helped to take you down. Ah said ta er, Not quite robbin, more like liberatin. Arent ya like fifteen? She said ta me, No! I am twenty-three! Ah said ta er, Oh, oh, really?Ya look like an Anime cartoon little girl. She said ta me, Thats kinda racist, yknow. Ah said, No its not. Kev said ta me, Yes it is; just a little. Mr. U said, I need silence, guys. I am about to go to work here. Winter said, We got three jeeps comin our way, quick and heavily armed. Ah turned ta see what we were dealin wit n there was a guy hangin outta the sunroof o the jeep wit a rocket launcher on is shoulder. Ah turned ta Winter n said ta him, Whats the plan, Winter? Winter said ta me, Continue straight. I got an extraction for you guys out of Afghanistan. Jen said ta im, How did you know we were here? Malik yelled out, Good point. How did you know, Mohammad? Winter said ta Malik, I forgot you were back there, Jackson. Hello. Long time. Malik said ta Winter, Sure you did. And not long enough. Wednesday said ta Winter, Your name is Mohammad? Winter said ta Wednesday n Jen, No. Last name. And to answer your question, Jen, I have been tracking this particle group for a few months now. They were talking about attacking you guys days ago. A man by the name of Joe tipped them off with you guys whereabouts.

Then Ah said, Hm. JoeGood ta place a name ta the face. Ya still avent answered our question though, why are ya ere, Winter? Winter said ta me, I had to take care of some business in Yemen. Malik rudely said ta Winter, Bullshit. Who? Winter said ta Malik, Saeed al-Shahri. Does that name sounds familiar? Malik said ta Winter, That wasnt you! That was a drone killin. Wednesday smiled like a fat kid in a candy store then she said ta Malik, Who do you think operated the drone? Ah said ta Winter as Ah was smilin, Nice. Not too shabby. Malik said ta Winter, I see you still tryin to take America down. Winter said ta Malik, Only their agents. Atleast Im not blowing up a drug lords goons in Harlem. Malik said ta Winter, Somebody gotta take out the domestic terrorist since youre too coward to dance with your ex-platoon member. Winter just smirked n said, Hm. Kev said ta Wednesday, Whats your number cus what you done is fuckin sexy. That was the hottest thing a chick has ever said in my presence. Im turned on right now. Wednesday said ta Kev, Um, yuck! OMG! Ah said ta Kev, Ahm sittin right ere, bloke. Ya know shes like ten. Wednesday punched me in my arm n then said ta me, I AM TWENTY-THREE DAMMIT! Mr. U said, Did everyone forget about these guys behind us? Theyre gaining up on us. How much further is this extraction? Winter said ta Mr. U, Straight head but we need to shake these guys first. Ah said, Wrap around, Mr. U. Winter, Ah need two guns. Winter smiled then said ta me, Check under the seats. Jen n myself grabbed the guns from under the seats. Jen said, Awww fuckin nice! Desert eagles! Yes!

Mr. U then steps on the brake to stop truck. He then spun the truck around backward, drivin in reverse. Jen n myself were hangin outta the windows once the truck was facin the three jeeps that were on our tail. Jen aimed for the driver n Ah aimed for the RPG shooter. We caught both men in their eads causin em ta crash but before they crashed the shooter shot the rocket inta the air. The rocket landed on the two jeeps that were behind the leadin jeep. BOOM! Goes the bomb! Debris was flyin everywhere, Rose. It was like an uge campfire in the darkness. It was insane! Then a blue laser beam darted out from the fire, blowin out our driver side front tire. Mr. U almost lost control before he spun the truck back ta arse ta face. The man Winter called Joe emerged from the bright flame in a black jeep shootin is space guns at us. Ah screamed ta Mr. U, Step on it! Jen get back ere! Everyone else ang low! Everyting is gonna be Robin! Jen n myself shot out the back window o the truck n fired back at the war clan. Winter screamed, Were here! Were here! Captain come in! Captain! Start the plane! NOW! Ah noticed the military plane was movin forward wit its back hatch ramp down, waitin on our entrance. The plane was preparin ta take off, so it was movin swiftly. Winter said ta Mr. U, Can you make it? Mr. U calmly said ta Winter, I never miss a target. Mr. U sped up while Joe n his war clan continued ta shoot at us. Mr. U quickly races onta the speedin plane n crashing inta a wall o the plane. The war clan was still chasin after us while the plane was buildin up speed ta take off. Everyone got outta the truck n Ah said ta Winter, Do ya ave any grenades? Winter said ta me, In the trunk. Why? Kev said ta us, WHAT?! There was grenades in the trunk while men was shootin at us? This is some bullshit! Malik said, Typical Winter shit. Wednesday said ta Winter, Whats that guys problem? Winter said ta Wednesday, We have history. Ah grab the box o grenades from the back o the truck n places em in the backseat. Ah then grabbed one grenade from the box. Ah latches a jumpin cable ta the ceilin o the plane n then tied the cable around the trucks driver side door n around myself. Winter walked up ta me n said ta me,

What the hell do you think youre doing? Ah smiled n then said ta im, Gonna give Joe a twat punch. Winter said ta me, What the hell does that mean? Malik said ta Winter, A hard punch. See. Malik then punched Winter across is jaw. Winter calmly eats Maliks ard punch like it was a soft wind. Winter said ta Malik, Happy? Malik said, No. I wanna kick you off this fuckin plane! Ah said ta Malik n Winter, Are ya two done? Malik then quickly kicked Winter in his ball bag n Winter fell ta the ground oldin is willy. Malik smiled then said, Im good now. The plane was beginnin ta leave the ground n Joe was still on ot pursuit after us. He wasnt gonna let us give away alive but Ah ad someting for im. Ah looked at the gang n said, Ahll be right back. Ah opped inta the truck n pounded down onta the gas n put the truck in reversed. Ah sped outta the planes back bay n once the cable stretched its limit, it broke the door o the truck n forcefully snatches me outta the truck. Ah then threw the grenade inta the backseat o the truck before it snatched me completely out o the truck as the plane begun ta takeoff. The truck crashes down onta Joe n his war clans vehicle, explodin it on impact. The boom deafen me, it was so bloody loud. The flame burnt the bottom o my boots. Ah screamed, Burn ya bloody wanker! BURN! That was for Ling! Hahahaha! ours later we landed in Egypt ta git on another plane for the states. Winter n his sidekick stayed in Africa ta finish off what we started. Before we departed from Winter, Winter quickly kicked Malik in his stomach. Malik dropped ta the ground oldin is stomach as if he shite imself. Winter said ta Malik, That wasnt how we done it in the corp, Captain Jackson! I taught you better than going for a cheap ball shot, son. Winter n myself shook hands after a good laugh about his stomach kick. N is creepy sidekick gave me an ug, Ah didnt like it. It kinda violated me. The crew switched planes in Egypt n

flew back ta the states in a few ours. Ah came straight ere first cus all Ah could think bout was breakin a promise ta ya n dyin wit tellin ya things that never was said. Ah love ya, Rose. Ahm appy ta be ome. Rose: Soooo thats all that happened? Thats all?! WHAT?! This is a real live truth story! Every word o it. Rose: Oh, I thought you were somewhere cheatin on me. Are ya lookin at my bloody mug? Really? Do ya see me? Rose: Okay. Okay. My bad. But there is one thing I find kinda odd. Shoot. Rose: You didnt bring me back a gift from the Middle East. You were there for weeks! Didnt think about bringin something? Nothing! Not one thing? Ya kiddin right? Rose: NOPE! Ahm gonna take a shower, Rose. Wake me up next Tuesday. Dont look at me like that. Ah almost died six times tryin tag it back ta ya luvin arms. Yknow what, Ahm walkin away from this potential argument, woman. Cheers. Good night. The End.

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