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1. Put in a or an where necessary.

Put in the where necessary. 1. . water-melons are not vegetables. 2.__ police have come . 3. He is the _ best student in my class. 4. We get off at __ second stop. 5. __ milk you bought yesterday is very nice. 6. I am listening to __ music I have always loved. 7. He studied __

1.Mary likes __ jam on __ piece of __ bread. 2. __ cow eats __ grass in _ spring. 3. ___ bread is made from __ flour. 4. We eat __ soup with ___ spoon. 5. She likes __ tea with _ lemon. 6. __ farmer has much work this summer. 7. ___ sweater Write the sentences in the Singular 1.There are flowers on the table. 2. Do you know these children? 3. We can see many sheep in the field. 4. Give me five pencils, please.

Find the articles in the text and explain their using. Little Red Cap
Little Red Riding Hood lives with her mother. One day she says to her mother: May I go to my grandmother, Mum? Yes, dear, you may. But take some patties for her. When little Red-Cap comes to the wood, she sees a wolf. Where are you going, little girl? asks the wolf. Im going to my grandmother. I have some patties for her. Where does she live? She lives in the wood and has a good little house. Then the wolf runs to the grandmothers house quickly. The grandmother is in bed. The Wolf knocks at the door. The old woman thinks it is her granddaughter and opens the door. The wolf eats her up. When Little Red-Cap comes into her grandmothers house, she sees her grandmother in bed. But it is not her grandmother. Its the Wolf. Please, come up to me, my little girl, says the Wolf.

Find the mistakes. 1.She lived in the small house in the centre of the city. 2. We are the students. 3. I have the slice of bread with the jam and a cup of the coffee for breakfast. 4. My brother is a best sportsman in his school.

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