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Joppa Neighbors Living Near and Around the Rt.

152/I-95 Interchange: Most of us living in the vicinity of I-95 and Rt. 152 received a PUBLIC NOTICE letter from the Baltimore branch of the Army Corp. of Engineers seeking input from the community regarding an application received from the Capital Planning Division of the MD Transportation Authority. Needless to say, this Notice is an indication that the MDTA has dusted off their plans to expand I-95 (project ID Section 200) in our area. In the Summer and Fall of 2007, the MDTA hosted a number of hearings regarding the Section 200 plans. In a nutshell the MDTA plans to expand I95 to include 4 extra lanes that will be considered "express lanes" for which the use of, will involve toll charges. Many of us spoke out against the MDTAs plans for a number of reasons impact to the environment, impact to local traffic patterns, noise and air pollution, impact to local wells, increase in crime due to enhanced commuter bus services, etc.. But from a business perspective, adding toll lanes that will be used for only three hours during the morning rush and three hours during the evening rush, seemed to most of us to be a waste of transportation dollars the Section 200 cost estimate was $4.2 billion back in 2007. Many of those that attended these hearings spoke out in favor of mass transit projects and correcting the congestion problems down at the I-95 / I-695 interchange (Section 100). The MDTA indicated then that they would consider our input and provide feedback. This never occurred. And then the 2008 Recession hit and transportation dollars became scarce. If you are receiving this letter it is to inform you that the MDTA is seeking to proceed with the Section 200 expansion. The community must come forward immediately with input if we are to impact this project in such a way as to minimize the devastation to our local environment and way of life. Just take a look at what is happening down at White Marsh and I-695 and now imagine this at I-95 and Rt. 152. Please attend the Joppa Joppatowne Community Council meeting on Monday, March 4 th 7:00 PM, at the Edgewood Police precinct on Rt. 40 (just north of the Rt. 40/Rt. 152 intersection). As a community we need to discuss this massive project and the certain impact to our community as we formulate a response to the Army Corp., and we each assess impact to our own properties/neighborhoods/town.

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