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Conveners: Revd Dr Doru Costache Dr Philip Kariatlis

Fifth Annual St Andrews Patristic Symposium

St Cyril of Alexandria
Friday 20 & Saturday 21 September, 2013

Keynote Speaker:

Prof. Pauline Allen

Australian Catholic University

Keynote Speaker:

Prof. David Bradshaw

University of Kentucky

St Andrews Greek Orthodox Theological College, a Member Institution of the Sydney College of Divinity (Sydney NSW Australia), invites papers for its next annual symposium. Celebrating the legacy of

Call for Papers

St Cyril of Alexandria,
St Andrews Patristic Symposium 2013 will be held on Friday and Saturday, 20 & 21 September, 2013. Given the interdisciplinary nature of our symposia, papers may address the life, personality and contributions of St Cyril from various perspectives, such as historical, theological, literary, spiritual etc. Papers on events, persons and writings directly or indirectly related to St Cyril are also welcome. Research students and early career academics are welcome.

Proposals should contain the name and title; the institutional affiliation; mailing address, phone number; email address; preliminary title of paper, and a brief abstract (150-200 words). Proposals should be submitted to Revd Dr Doru Costache at by 30 April 2013.

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