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Your Attitude: The Heart of the Matter

*Your attitude toward college work is more crucial than any reading or study skill to be successful. > Your attitude must say, I will do the work. > Doing the work despite of difficulties > Discovering the commitment to do work > Running from the committment to do work > You must persist when you encounter snags and problems as the semester goes on. Personal determination is more important than the speed at which you learn The person with commitment does the plain hard work that college requires.

Common Avoidance Tactics I cant do it. Im too busy. Im too tired. Ill do it later. Im bored with the subject. Im here, and thats what counts.


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Learning Survival Strategies

1. Be Realistic Be realistic about how college will help you get a job. Prepare while youre in college to make sure your degree is a marketable one. 2. Get Organized Get organized right at the beginning of the semester. Bring pens and a notebook with you. Don't put off getting your books. 3. Persist There are going to be times when any student must simply determine, I am going to persist. 4. Be positive Refuse to use self doubt as an excuse for not trying. Do what it takes to overcome difficulty. >Get a tutor. >Take notes >Go to the learning center >See a counselor. >DONT GIVE UP. 5. GROW Use college as an opportunity for personal growth.


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