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A teenager is a sort of "No man's land" as described by a psychologist. He is in an awkward stage. He is neither adult nor child. Yet he is both child and adult being influenced at times by childlike behavior and at times by adult. He is too young to do some things and too old to do others. A teenager today tends to be more confused, less calm and less sure of his values and goals. He often meets problems in the process of growing up. At the very outset they are struggling to come to terms with their body image. The cherubic appearance of childhood gone, they are looking at strangers in the mirror, gawky, disproportionate limbs, facial features, facial hair and acne to mention a few. They dont know what to do with their hands and legs and are often termed fidgety Basic problems: 1). Peer pressure 2) social parental pressure 3) social and parental pressure 4) high parental pressure 5) emotional health

The teen is suddenly expected to act like an adult, with good social and self- help skills in areas like managing work independently, decision making, managing their finances well, being responsible, etc. Though every parent complains about filthy bedrooms, untidy shelves and cabinets, smelly socks, missing stuff, I wonder where is the time! Their inabilty to handle pressure make them defiant in the face of expectations, more prone to anxiety, depression etc. teenage pregnancy,drugs,divorces in marriages leaving teenagers disturbed,dropping out of school as a result of lack of money from parentsTeen Suicide Facts:

Suicide is the third leading cause of death for adolescents and young adults. Young males are much more likely to commit suicide than their female peers. Female adolescents are more likely to attempt suicide than their male peers. Female Hispanic students are more likely to attempt suicide than all other students. American Indian/Alaskan Native male adolescents have the highest suicide rate.

In summary: Teen suicide is a significant problem in our culture. It is prevalent problem that will continue to grow unless we do something about it.

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