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Running Head : Depression on teenagers


Why the teenagers get depression and how to prevent it ?

Suhail Ahamed.B

Manipal university Dubai

Depression on teenagers : 1

A teenager is a person who is in the ages of 13 to 19 years old . They are
in the age of developmental stage so at this stage the teenagers will get or
affect by a depression very easily because of family,school,and physical
functioning and 0ver load of parents. Depression is most commenly affect the
teenagers due to the more work and disabling condition following the
emotional suffering in social and abnormal education will affect them hardly.
Anxiety is also a most common reason for a depression on teenagers handling
a anxiety is very complicated for the teenagers .Teens are half way between
the children and adults they are finding themselves and learning how to
survive by their own so at this stage the maximum teenagers will get
depresson .Teenagers have more intrest on social media network it will them
to a next level but the way of using is more important the wrong way will
affect very badly the impact of using the social network in wrong way will also
cause depresson .

At this age teenagers have intrest on knowing some new things like
Drugs and sex will also can take them to wrong way and it can also affect them
and now a days maximum teenagers have intrest on playing game according to
the research some games create anxiety for the gamers because

of its sound and effect gamers will fell in depression .This study will help to
reduce the depression on teenagers and help to prevent them .

Depresson inadolescents is often hard to dedect in many case this study

for the different approach for this problem .All the evoluation of impact and
effect some teenagers are peer in school and house its because of the anxiety,
study stress and harassment also will make them to get depressed.So
preventing tem with all this problems will help them to live without getting
Depression on teenagers : 2

According to the study teen with and without depression ,drawn from
the primary care offices in Los Angels ,California,and Washington.A total of
were fine for the study and me the criteria for depression .A total of baseline
teens with probable teens with depression .Measures and parents report
include a teen reports of peer school functioning,grades,physical health are the
most common reason for the depression.

If they does not want to feel depressed they just need to know how
much you love them and you will not do them anything if they made
mistake.The communication between parents and them should be in open way
it helps to find the way they are depressed or not .one more way take care of
your child try to understand them give your support be friendly help in all the
issue and problem their facing .Teenage is the pivotal stage in their life so they
need to learn the needed skills for the problem solving .some big problems will
lead to their depression parents have to take care of their problem parents
need to give their support for the children .Parents dealing with their children
problem will help them to survive with out depression the way of
communication will help to clear the depression parents have to give some
idea for them it helps them to face all the problems and it also help them live a
happylife without depression .This study will make some changes and it help
to prevent the teenagers life. It help them to know their parents support they
will learn the how to survive or live in the soceity with out depresson .parents
care and support is much needed in this case to solve the depression .

This study will clearly show that how to find and prevent the
depressed teenagers and it shows that solving teenagers problem giving the
care, support and way of communicaton is the best way to help them to live
without getting depression.

Depression on teenagers : 3

World wide teenagers are in wide range of risk and totaly or too many of
this teenagers are at risk and they are shown in internet.Some of this
teenagers are from the criminal list in their some are killed for the offends
with angry,unconsious and sexual related kills .other kills are worrying angry
might come from themselves because of the depression.

Sadly seviour or last level depression will make them such as eating
disorder or even sucide also in some of these problems the current depressed
patient or teenagers will be screened or findout by someone this is early stage
of depression this can be take a proper treatment for the these problems .The
current patient can be treat with care can be cured very easily .In this some
care are cannot be treated they are the last stage of disorder catagiry.That
care we need to handle very carefully before that we need to try understand
them mentaly.we have o find their problem if we finded that and fixed means
the depression will be reduced and that individual teen will be free and be

Both the boys and girls will affect by the depression but sadly most
number of the girls are suffering by depression research shows that many girl
child are isolated by their parents and they dont have the proper way of
communicaion no one is their to share or here their problem that is the way
the girl child get depressed .This study shows you that the lack of
communication and the lack of caring will make them to get depressed.At the
teen age every big and small problems will give a anxiety to the
teenagers.Because they are in the stage of learning the part of life so they
need support to face and fix their problems it will prevent them without get

Review of Literature
Depression Of Teenagers
Depression on teenagers : 4

Teenage depression is the same decease or condition in mind changer. It

negatively affects the teenagers mind so they will feel their way tough with
depression. It is not unusual for teenagers to face because the teens will
always suffer from unsetting time with the education,physical,families and
social changes take this stage of life.Unfaceable educaton,soceity ,or family
expectation can create a strong mpact on teenagers and make them
disappoinment.when things go wrong at school or at home teens often get
depressed because of anxiety.Many teens will feel that life is not fair or things
never go their way they feel stressed out and confused .now a days they see
and learn what the life is so it teach both the usefull and useless bad on
television and at house in books and in net and they or also forced to learn
about the sex in subject if the teenagers are active or not active they learn
about drugs also in their school subject.

Depression can also changes how you think,feel and function in daily life
activites .Depression can also interfere with your ability to
work,sleep,study,eat and daily life.The feelings of hopelessness and
worthlessness will affect them strongly If the teen suffering from depression it
will affect their life main reason for the depression is being isolated,more
work,anxiety,lack of support and communication this are the main reason for
the teen depression and Luckily it is also cureable Depression causes feelings
of sadness and or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a
variety of emotional and physical problems to our body and it can decrease a
ability of teenagers to function at school and at home.It will make them to feel
sad and own allow to enjoy their life.

The affects of the estimated adults in a year is very high and more
then five or six teenagers will face the depression in many situation in regular
life. Stress and anxiety can come in any time on the daily life depression during
the school stage is due to anxiety . Girl teens are more than the boys to
experience depression. This study show that Girl teenage will face high level
stress and depression on their entire life so giving a proper care and support
will help to survive without getting depression.
Depression on teenagers : 5

Teenage Depression Symptoms

Symptoms of depression if we are not careing it will take us to next

level called bipolar depression.This bypolar depression is extreem
level of depressionIt involves serious shifts in moods,energy
,thinking,and behaviour.This can be serious problem as taking for
bipolar depression .By finding the symptoms taking care and proper
treatment will help and prevent the teenagers from the bipolar

1) Being lonely or in sad face is the first symptom for depression.

2)Lack of energy or change in attitude or not enjoing the life.

3)Changes in food items —unusual weight changes like weight

increase or decrese and unrelated food control.

4)Tough to night sleep or sleeping more time is also a symptom.

5)Lack of energy or increase in tiredness.

6)Changes and unwanted physical activity or slowed movement in

talk walk and action.

7)Feeling everything useless or guilty feeling.

8)Difficult to think, concentrating or decision making.

9)lack of ability to think and react.

10) Last stage of depression will make them to sucide or to kill


Appart from this types another type of depression is also their that is
called sudden depression it will affect suddenly or accidently .The death of a
loved one for eg) like pet animals,friends, relatives, parents, or loss of the
Depression on teenagers : 6

anythings,or ending up with relation those experience will affect suddenly to

the teenagers they will never expect that situation once the situation came
they dont know how to handle or digest the situation it will affect them very
hardly it might describe themselves as depressed. This changes can identify

By the treatment the reason we have to give a proper caring and counsling to
prevent them from depression.

Reason for the depression will be common for both men and women
teenagers maximum he teen girl will suffer from depression because the
teenage girls will face lot of problems in society they are softed heart so the
small problems will affect them badly .Isolated teengirls will commonly affect
by the depression and in some country like india according to the research
more number of teenage girls are suffering from the sexual harashment every
year. Maximum girls will not go out for play or they will not mingle with others
so they will not be able to share their problems to everyone and the anxiety
level will be high for the teenage girls and the lack of communication will make
themselves to get depressed.

Risk Factors for Depression

The painful feelings come often in the teenagers with all the negative
thoughts of their life. In maximum depression the mind, interest and activity
will be decreased for the depressed teens for some weeks.

In maximum case the depression feelings are worthless and useless for
some teenagers are common.The maximum teenagers the loss of a important
person or thing can bring a high level of angry and anxiety or can cause some
seviour or a big accident can take them to depression for some teenagers.
When the depression come in high level anxity and depression, they are
different. Parents can help their son or daughter by giving their help and
support treatment and caring are needed for them.
Depression on teenagers : 7

Depression will show the from pain the person who came to live in your house
very near and very close to you can also find your problem.

 Depression can run on a families for example one in a family is siblings or

twins can cause by depression and the other one also has a more percentage
of chance having for the another one it affect.

Personality will change for a depressed People with low self esteem who are
easily overwhelmed by stress or who are generally in high appear to be more
likely to experience depression.

Environmental factors  Continuous the depressed people to act violence,

neglect, abuse or poverty may make some people more vulnerable to
depression. capacity, the concurrence of several changes for the depression for

Changes in the high dozage of medicines make will make them to get stress
and it will make them to feel depressed.

medicines designed for younger adults. Clinical trials are needed to adapt the
available counsling for the treatment for the teenagers.

Research management finds that the high level of drugs usage will be high
level in risk.

Drugs will make change them and take away from their own behaviour and
change in their in abody acivites

Drugs have a little impact for the adults but it affects the teenagers very badly
it will spoil their life effect of the drug will be in very high for the teenagers
wgen thet get addicted to it they cant live without that and pull to the
depresson also.

research on this study clearly shows that the treatment way of teenagers must
be in good way and clear or choosing he wrong way and becoming the
addiction will spoil their life.
Depression on teenagers : 8

Treatment for Depression

Depression is among the most cureable and treatable desease. Most

percent of the teenage people with depression individually responded well for
the all them will get some free from the depression. Depression for a health
care that particular doctor will conduct a mental test and physical test of the
patient thats very important. For few patients a blood test also will be taken
done to make conform their depression is not because of a medicine impact
changes like a high doseage of medicine impact. The consderation is to
findout the seperate problems in medicine , family and society ,schools and
environment part to check and to identify the thought of research in
action.To prevent from mental depression may take some seperate care and
the depression may take factor into their decease stage. For the last stage
reason anti depressants might be suggested to help or to modify one’s high
depression. This treament are not relaxing sleeping pill uppers or grugs. They
will become to the addict or making a drug addict . Generally a antidepressed
patient have no encouranging words are the teens because of that they will
face the depression. Depression also can make some more different with in a
first few days or in the second week of use . complete cure cannot be identify
for the first few days or few weeks. If a depressed teens can realize the small
improvement after the few weeks for that boy or girl treatment will change
the dose of the medicine add or change another anti depression In many
times other peacefull treatment is not helpful. It is very important to get
treatment from doctor otherwise it will never work or it will make some side

Doctor normally tell to his patients for continueing the madicine for five or
more days for the complete cure and for proper treatment . Long time
treatment may be sometimes helpfull for the depressed teenagers and last
stage of depression. Doctor will give a treatment is sometimes used
individually for treatment for the teenagers who are affeced by this seviour
depression will be treated by the doctor in proper way.
Depression on teenagers : 9 

Depression on teenagers is common, severe, and leads to immediate and
long term of risk and mortality. It is important for teens who deal with young
people and families to be aware of the problem, so that high risk adolescents
can be screened, assessed, and caring is very important.Finding , preventing
and friendly communcation will help for the teens without getting depresson.
criteria set out in mainstream psychiatry, but with some distinct features.

There also seems to be some distinct features in how the YP felt about
seeking help for their difficulties that may be specific to this age group. Adding
to the knowledge base, in comparison with the current diagnostic criteria for
depression, the YP did not report on any issues with change in appetite and
weight but mentioned high levels of irritability and aggression. Overall, the
level of suffering was considerable in this sample. In particular, the YP reported
feeling overwhelmed with the situation, struggling to make sense of what was
going on for them, feeling isolated, and considering therapy as a last resort,
with the notion that you have to deal with the depression.

Depression ends to deal with the big term of a sucide and mortal. To
make the changes of the teenagers the counsiling and depression of the
teenagers will be reduced by the proper way of communication will help them
to prevent from the last stage and high level of depression this is he only way
to reduce the depressed level of teenagers To find the another way for the
teenage depression is only can be done by the proper reasearch for the
teenagers . The research on depression will give a proper preventing solution
and trust for the depressed person or teenager. Giving a interest for the
social media and drug will affect and it cause a high level depression education
and family problem will also affect them badly to avoid that parents must give
their for their children only it can prevent them.

Depression on teenagers : 10

By using this research i would be able to cover the depressed people

and he group focus is helpfull to understand about the depression . The
current study is the part of a Personal and Socioial Environment Factors for
Teenage Depression . Which explained at the silent risk in the prediction of
depression . My daily study for mainly is knowing about the effect on teenage
childrens and school students depression they are facing in their daily life so
my collected data will help to understand the risk of teenage depression.

Sample selection

For my sample i would choose to use a convenience sample.The age i

want to study would be to 13 to 19 years old.I would reach out to the schools
as well as the my relative families to study about the depression.Based on the
number of teenagers in school and family i would like to have a five teenagers
for focus.I would allow them to particpate aspects of the study if they were
intrested in doing they can participate each one of them can show their activity
for the research of my study.


For my study it will be important to base a suvey question on more then

simply if a teen is in depression or how often they suffer from depression .The
survey would be completly different and mental aspects of the depression .The
survey would be completely anonymous and would ask question about
depressed teenagers followed up with questions about gender,bodysize,and
the memory types of their victims.For the focus articles i would separate the
participants up in ndividual based on their age and gender.I would then
compare a data i collected and use it in order to answer question. The
participants of all the teenagers are helped me to know about their problem
and their daily facing risk .This helped me to know about their life facing
problems anxiety level will be high in the teenage life time .so for helping and
showing my support and making others to know about about their problem i
did this research and hope it is usefull.
Depression on teenagers : 11


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