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1. These are not diaries. They are not just summaries of what you have read,
or of class discussion. They are evidence that you are THINKING for yourself about the books we are reading and the ideas we are sharing. You may comment on any idea we discuss in class or any book, or essay, or passage that you read for the course, or on any film seen during the course.

2. Make it a regular habit. Each entry should be about 100 to 200 words in length. Try to make an entry once a week. 3. ****Each entry must be DATED and NUMBERED.**** 4. Journals will not be marked for correct English but simply for making a genuine attempt to make a habit of THINKING on paper, and for RELATING what you read to other contexts (personal, historical, political, social, literary or whatever). 5. You may choose their form for yourself. You can do them in an exercise book or on paper. If you prefer, you can do them on a computer and print them out when they are due. Refer to the page on Academic Integrity in the TCS Planner for information regarding plagiarism. 6. Between now and the due date, you will be expected to write at least 1800 words and to make at least 12 entries. They will be checked regularly. Journals will be marked in the categories of Communication, Thinking and Application. One third of the marks will be for communicating by completing the assigned number of entries and words. One third will be for thinking for yourself about the books we are reading and the ideas we are discussing. A final third will be for applying what you read to other contexts.

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