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Human development it is the great challenge that every country must face on 21st century and El Salvador is not the exception, so the government and other governmental instances are trying to promote a solution for it, so Alcaldia Municipal de San Salvador is promoting some specific courses through Centro de Formacion Laboral which its principal aim is provide to young Salvadorians people with a way of economical support within a variety of occupational courses. Now a day the economical crisis is affecting our country as well as many others around the world. Women, men and great groups of young people in our society are facing the problem that they have no economical support from their families, so they need to find a way of satisfaction to their economical needs, to help themselves and their families too, it is necessary to do something to change their cruel reality. For this causes it is relevant to make an educative researching entitled: EVALUATION ON THE COURSES OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT GIVEN BY ALCALDIA MUNICIPAL DE SAN SALVADOR, A STUDY WITH TRAINEES AT CENTRO DE FORMACION LABORAL, DURING THE FIRST SERMESTER, YEAR 2013 This researching plan it will be use to elaborate a research design which has a general objective: analyze the courses given by Alcaldia Municipal de San Salvador to the trainees at Centro de Formacion Laboral during the first semester, year 2013 to improve the courses. The plan has the following parts: First part, it presents a situational diagnostic of the Centro de Formacion Laboral (CFL) where it will be take place a study about facilities, students and trainers; also, the opinion of the last ones about the aims of the courses. Second, it includes the objectives that will guide the researching from its planning. Third, it presents the strategies that will use during the different activities. Fourth, it presents the goals for the researching. Fifth, it does a list of human, materials and economical resources to make the researching. Sixth, it determines the policies to follow in order to have the best results for this research. Seventh, it gives to know the different control ways and evaluation to get a quality researching. Eight, it systematizes the different activities to do in the researching. Also it mentions the bibliography and media that will use to processing the info and getting the strategies to elaborate the research. Finally, it shows the different attachments of the researching.

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