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The real thing -ish

Examples: 1. Hes shortish Hes quite short. (l es muy chaparro) 2. Shes fortyish Shes about forty years old. (Ella tiene como cuarenta y tantos) 3. Come over at twelveish (Ven como a las 12) Come over at about twelve oclock.

The ish suffix

Its used to make adjectives: English, childish, boyish, bluish, yellowish etc. It's also a way of indicating that you are not being exact, but approximate. : Fiftyish, nineish "ish" certainly can mean "a little bit". A: "Are you warm yet?" B: "I'm warmish."

Complete the sentences with these words. -fiftyish -eightish -shortish -straightish -reddish 1. I knew he was embarrassed because he went a ____________ colour. 2. Lets meet after work- is _______ OK with you? 3. Hes _______, with blonde hair and blue eyes. 4. Hes older than he looks. He must be ______. 5. Hes attractive- dark, _______ hair and lovely dark eyes.

childish brigthish coldish oldish fourish Adultish childish

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