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(Left Third) The left third isnt as easily recognisable in comparison to Vogue.

The O is hidden so only the M would be on show.

(Masthead) The title of the magazine is positioned to take up the lot of space but is quite hidden. The white blends into the background and isnt very eye-

(Main Image) The main image isnt too large as it includes quite a bit of background.

(Hyperbolic wording) Divine Daring knockout Best

(Price) The price isnt located on the front of the magazine. This usually means that it is fairly expensive and not as important in comparison to the things such as the main image. If the magazine was cheap the price would be flaunted in bold print.

(Target Audience) This magazine is targeted more toward teenage readers as it includes all the latest trends and isnt pink and girly in comparison to the magazine above.

(Colour scheme) The colours used are quite dark and really complement each other and give a modern look which is aimed toward a slightly older audience that the above magazine.

This magazine is targeted at female viewers as it talks about jewellery, clothing and skin care products. A girl is also located on the front cover to really enforce this.

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