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The Entity of Molly Seidr & Jack Shaman

The two young lovers hated everything about the way they were were raised, though they rarely agreed with each other about which way to change, there was one thing they agreed upon, the division of man and woman must be overcome. You see they were raised in a remote mountain city with about a hundred thousand others and their people believed it was right to separate Male from Female in an exaggerated manner. They were kept separate from each others religious ideals but told by their elders that they stood upon equal moral ground; and that those morals meant that they were essentially right for each other. These kinds of arrangements led a lot of their peers to believe that their marriages had been arranged and so, they called each other brother and sister. Our two young lovers didn't take that calling so well and decided to change their name from Smith. Molly & Jack Smith became Molly Seidr and Jack Shaman; no longer brother and sister but husband and wife, legal and right as far as they were concerned. Together they decided to create an entity. They would call him Transfer-nus. A warm and deadly November eve they circled together with some hired escorts whom they told were acting in a home made movie for their entertainment only. And thus began their ritual to create the greatest entity a banker could ever love.

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