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Sandra Good morning, please sit down.

. You are the persons elected for to present the last interview for the manager market position. The job offer is the following, as you see: The salarial remuneration that will receive in the month is four million of pesos; this person will have like benefits a life insurance, prepaid health plan also the right to buy the company's shares at low prices when the person have two years old in the company. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Whats your name? Why are you interested in are working for this company? What is your profession and why do you choose hi career? How long have you are the experience like a manager? Why are you qualification for this position? What was the last company did your work in? what is your marital status? *married or unmarried 8. Where are you living actually? 9. How is your relation with your family? 10. What are your weakness and strengths? was a pleasure,

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