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The Zone Manager

Simplifying the Creation and Management

of Solaris 10 Zones

Brad Diggs
Senior Directory Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

The purpose of this presentation is to introduce

you to the Zone Manager (aka ZoneMgr) and
some of its many features.

To learn more see the resources slide at the

end of this presentation.

Now, sit back and enjoy the tour!


1. Solaris Zones Today

2. A Simple Example
3. Sparse vs. Whole Root Zones
4. Necessity: The Mother of Invention
5. ZoneMgr by Examples
6. Complexity Simplified
7. ZoneMgr Resources

Solaris Zones Today

Solaris Zones Virtualization
A Solaris zone is a virtual semi-shared instance of the Solaris operating
system that in almost every way feels like an autonomous system. Unlike
other virtualization systems such as VMware, Xen and others, zones
share system resources (CPU, RAM, Disk, and Network) instead of
pre-allocating fixed portions of these resources for each virtual container.
Private Solaris 10 Global Zone
Network1 Sparse Root zfs1
Zone m1

Minimized and
Private Hardened /share
Network2 Whole Root (ro) Zone m2
DSEE (rw)
Network apache zfs2

Sparse and Whole Root Zones
Sparse root zones are non-global zones that inherit in read-only mode the /lib,
/platform, /sbin, and /usr directories from the global zone.

Whole root zones are non-global zones that do not inherit any directories from the
global zone.

To create a whole root zone, you include the following lines in the zone configuration
file to force non-inheritance of the default directories.

remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/usr

remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/lib
remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/platform
remove inherit-pkg-dir dir=/sbin

Sparse Root Zones
• Advantages of Sparse Root Zones
> Consumes less RAM and Disk
> Easier to manage software updates

• Disadvantages of Sparse Root Zones

> Less flexible for packages needing to be installed in read-only
mounted directories
> Can't be minimized

Whole Root Zones
• Advantages of Whole Root Zones
> Can control package list (add/remove) of non-global zone
> Can minimize non-global zone
> Can have truly minimized global zone

• Disadvantages of Whole Root Zones

> Consumes more RAM and Disk
> Can requires per-zone update management
> Can create conflicts between packages in global and non-
global zones

Sparse Zone Example

Sparse Zone Configuration File

set zonepath=/zone/zone1
set autoboot=true
add inherit-pkg-dir
set dir=/ds
add net
set address=
set physical=hme0
add attr
set name=comment
set type=string
set value="Directory Service Zone"

Sparse Zone Installation
Installing the zone from zone configuration file (zone1.inf):
# zonecfg -z zone1 -f ./zone1.inf
# zoneadm -z zone1 install
Preparing to install zone <zone1>.
Creating list of files to copy from the global zone.
Copying <2502> files to the zone.
Initializing zone product registry.
Determining zone package initialization order.
Initializing package <5> of <690>: percent complete: 0%
... continues until 100% complete and takes a while...
Initialized <690> packages on zone.
Successfully initialized zone <zone1>.
# zoneadm -z zone1 boot
# zoneadm list -vc
0 global running /
1 zone1 running /zone/zone1
# zlogin -C -e\@ zone1

Manually answer the SysIdCfg questions to complete Solaris configuration.

Zones Today Can Get Complicated
Zone Configuration – sparse, whole root, fs, net, ...
Zones Administration – zonecfg, zoneadm, zlogin
Zone State Management – boot, reboot, shutdown, only X zones, ...
Minimization – pkgrm, pkgadd, ...
Hardening – svcadm, svcs, inetadm, /etc/rcX.d, ...
Filesystems – mount, newfs, zpool, zfs
Containment/Resource Management – pset, rcapd, ...
Privileges – Apply zone specific privilege constraints
brandZ – Linux binary compatible zone
Automated Software Installation – Blastwave (pkg-get)

Necessity: The Mother of Invention

Historical Context: Needed multi-zoned lab automation

Goal: Simplify zones creation and management

Strategy: A simple command line tool that can get you

90% of the way there

The Result: The Zone Manager (aka ZoneMgr)

ZoneMgr Actions
add – Add a zone
modify – Modify an existing zone
del – Delete a zone
info – Show zone configuration
move – Move a zone from one dir to another
detach/attach – Move a zone from one server to another
clone – Clone the configuration and contents of a zone
boot/reboot/shutdown/halt – Start/Restart/Stop a zone
only – Manage multi-zone state
runcmd – Run a command within a zone
zcontainer – Apply containment to a zone

ZoneMgr by Examples

ZoneMgr by Example 1:
add, delete, and list

ZoneMgr by Example 1:
add, delete, and list
Add a zone:
Create zone config file file: zcfgfile
zonecfg -z m1 -f zcfgfile
zoneadm -z m1 install
zoneadm -z m1 boot
zlogin -C m1 # Manually answer the SysIdCfg questions

Delete a zone:
zoneadm -z m1 halt
zoneadm -z m1 uninstall -F
zonecfg -z m1 delete -F

List all zones:

zoneadm list -cv

ZoneMgr by Example 1:
add, delete, and list
Add a zone:
zonemgr -a add -n m1 -z /zones -P pw

Delete a zone:
zonemgr -a del -n m1

List all zones:

zonemgr -a list

ZoneMgr by Example 2:
boot, reboot, shutdown, and halt

ZoneMgr by Example 2:
boot, reboot, shutdown, and halt
Boot a zone:
zoneadm -z m1 boot

Reboot a zone:
zoneadm -z m1 reboot

Shutdown a zone:
zlogin m1 “shutdown -y -g 0 -i 5”

Halt a zone:
zoneadm -z m1 halt

ZoneMgr by Example 2:
boot, reboot, shutdown, and halt
Boot a zone:
zonemgr -a boot -n m1

Reboot a zone:
zonemgr -a reboot -n m1

Shutdown a zone:
zonemgr -a shutdown -n m1

Halt a zone:
zonemgr -a halt -n m1

ZoneMgr by Example 3:
Multi-zone state management

ZoneMgr by Example 3:
only – Multi-zone state management
Boot all zones:
for z in `zoneadm list -c | grep -v “^global$”`
do zoneadm -z $z boot; done

Halt all zones:

for z in `zoneadm list -c | grep -v “^global$”`
do zoneadm -z $z halt; done

Make sure only zones m1 and m2 are running:

for z in `zoneadm list -c | egrep -v “^global$|^m1$|^m2$”`
do zoneadm -z $z halt; done
for z in m1 m2
do zoneadm -z $z boot; done

ZoneMgr by Example 3:
only – Multi-zone state management
Boot all zones:
zonemgr -a only -n bootall

Halt all zones:

zonemgr -a only -n haltall

Make sure only zones m1 and m2 are running:

zonemgr -a only -n “m1 m2”

ZoneMgr by Example 4:
modify network

ZoneMgr by Example 4:
modify network
Add a network address:
zonecfg -z m1
zonecfg:m1> add net
zonecfg:m1:net> set address=
zonecfg:m1:net> set physical=hme0
zonecfg:m1:net> end; verify; commit; exit
Modify the network address:
zonecfg -z m1
zonecfg:m1> select net address=
zonecfg:m1:net> set address=
zonecfg:m1:net> end; verify; commit; exit
Delete the network address:
zonecfg -z m1
zonecfg:m1> remove net address=
zonecfg:m1:net> verify; commit; exit

ZoneMgr by Example 4:
modify network
Add a network address:
zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -I “|hme0|24|m1a”

Modify the network address:

zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -m “net:|address:”

Delete the network address:

zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -m "del:net:"

ZoneMgr by Example 5:
modify filesystem

ZoneMgr by Example 5:
modify filesystem
Add directory from the global zone in read-only mode:
zonecfg -z m1
zonecfg:m1> add fs
zonecfg:m1:fs> set dir=/tmp
zonecfg:m1:fs> set special=/bob
zonecfg:m1:fs> set type=lofs
zonecfg:m1:fs> add options [ro,nodevices]
zonecfg:m1:fs> end; verify; commit; exit
Modify read-only directory:
zonecfg -z m1
zonecfg:m1> select fs special=/bob
zonecfg:m1:fs> set special=/frank
zonecfg:m1:fs> end; verify; commit; exit
Delete the read-only directory:
zonecfg -z m1
zonecfg:m1> remove fs special=/frank
zonecfg:m1:fs> end; verify; commit; exit29
ZoneMgr by Example 5:
modify filesystem
Add readonly directory from global zone in read-only mode:
zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -r “/tmp|/bob”

Modify read-only directory:

zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -m “fs:/bob|dir:/frank”

Delete the read-only directory:

zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -m “del:fs:/frank”

ZoneMgr by Example 6:
minimize zone

ZoneMgr by Example 6:
minimize zone
Minimize an existing zone:
Figure out what packages to remove.
Make file containing list of those packages: pkgs_to_remove_file
for pkg in `cat pkgs_to_remove_file`
zlogin m1 “yes | pkgrm $pkg”

ZoneMgr by Example 6:
minimize zone
Add a minimized zone:
Create zone config file file: zcfgfile
zonecfg -z m2 -f zcfgfile
zoneadm -z m2 install
zoneadm -z m2 boot
zlogin -C m2 # Manually answer the SysIdCfg questions
Figure out what packages to remove.
Make file containing list of those packages: pkgs_to_remove_file
for pkg in `cat pkgs_to_remove_file`
zlogin m2 “yes | pkgrm $pkg”

ZoneMgr by Example 6:
minimize zone
Minimize a zone with a specific package list:
Make file containing list of those packages: /pkglist.txt
for pkg in `cat /pkglist.txt`
zlogin m1 “yes | pkgrm $pkg”

ZoneMgr by Example 6:
minimize zone
Minimize an existing zone:
zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -M basic

Add a minimized zone:

zonemgr -a add -n m2 -z /zones -P pw -M basic

Minimize a zone with a specific package list:

zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -M /pkglist.txt

ZoneMgr by Example 7:
harden zone

ZoneMgr by Example 7:
harden zone
Harden an existing zone with the basic mode:
Figure out what services to disable.
Make file containing list of those packages: svcs_to_disable
for svc in `cat svcs_to_disable`
zlogin m1 “svcadm disable $svc”

Un-harden an existing zone with the basic mode:

for svc in `cat svcs_to_disable`
zlogin m1 “svcadm enable $svc”

ZoneMgr by Example 7:
harden zone
Add a hardened zone:
Create zone config file file: zcfgfile
zonecfg -z m2 -f zcfgfile
zoneadm -z m2 install
zoneadm -z m2 boot
zlogin -C m2 # Manually answer the SysIdCfg questions
Figure out what services to disable.
Make file containing list of those packages: svcs_to_disable
for svc in `cat svcs_to_disable`
zlogin m2 “svcadm disable $svc”

ZoneMgr by Example 7:
harden zone
Harden an existing zone with a specific list of services to disable:
for svc in `cat /svcs.file`
zlogin m1 “svcadm disable $svc”

Harden an existing zone with using Secure By Default:

zlogin m1 “netservices limited”

ZoneMgr by Example 7:
harden zone
Harden an existing zone with the basic mode:
zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -s “basic|lock”

Un-harden an existing zone with the basic mode:

zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -s “basic|unlock”

Add a hardened zone:

zonemgr -a add -n m2 -z /zones -P pw -I “|hme0|24|m2” -s disable

Harden an existing zone with a specific list of services to disable:

zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -s “disable|/svcs.file”

Harden an existing zone with using Secure By Default:

zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -s “sbd|limited”

ZoneMgr by Example 8:
ZFS filesystem

ZoneMgr by Example 8:
ZFS filesystem
Add ZFS filesystem to a zone:
Assuming ZFS pool myzfspool already exists:
zfs create myzfspool/zfsdata
zfs set mountpoint=legacy myzfspool/zfsdata
zfs set zoned=on myzfspool/zfsdata
zonecfg -z m1
zonecfg:m1> add fs
zonecfg:m1:fs> set dir=/zfsdata
zonecfg:m1:fs> set special=backup/zfsdata
zonecfg:m1:fs> set type=zfs
zonecfg:m1:fs> end; verify; commit; exit

ZoneMgr by Example 8:
ZFS filesystem
Add a zone and add a ZFS filesystem:
Assuming ZFS pool myzfspool already exists:
zfs create myzfspool/zfsdata
zfs set mountpoint=legacy myzfspool/zfsdata
zfs set zoned=on myzfspool/zfsdata
Create zone config file file that includes the following zfs config: zcfgfile
zonecfg:m2> add fs
zonecfg:m2:fs> set dir=/zfsdata
zonecfg:m2:fs> set special=backup/zfsdata
zonecfg:m2:fs> set type=zfs
zonecfg:m2:fs> end; verify; commit; exit
zonecfg -z m2 -f zcfgfile
zoneadm -z m2 install
zoneadm -z m2 boot
zlogin -C m2 # Manually answer the SysIdCfg questions

ZoneMgr by Example 8:
ZFS filesystem
Add ZFS filesystem to a zone:
zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -w "zfs|/zfsdata|myzfspool"

Add a zone and add a ZFS filesystem:

zonemgr -a add -n m2 -z /zones -P pw -w "zfs|/zfsdata2|myzfspool2"

ZoneMgr by Example 9:
automated software installation

ZoneMgr by Example 9:
automated software installation
Install MySQL5 on existing zone from Blastwave:
zlogin m1 “wget”
zlogin m1 “yes | pkgadd -d. ./pkg_get-3.7.1-all-CSW.pkg”
zlogin m1 “yes | /opt/csw/bin/pkg-get install mysql5”
Add a zone and install multiple Blastwave packages:
Create zone config file file: zcfgfile
zonecfg -z m2 -f zcfgfile
zoneadm -z m2 install
zoneadm -z m2 boot
zlogin -C m2 # Manually answer the SysIdCfg questions
zlogin m2 “wget”
zlogin m2 “yes | pkgadd -d. ./pkg_get-3.7.1-all-CSW.pkg”
zlogin m2 “yes | /opt/csw/bin/pkg-get install mysql5”
zlogin m2 “yes | /opt/csw/bin/pkg-get install apache2”
zlogin m2 “yes | /opt/csw/bin/pkg-get install dss”

ZoneMgr by Example 9:
automated software installation
Install MySQL5 on existing zone from Blastwave:
zonemgr -a modify -n m1 -G mysql5

Add a zone and install multiple Blastwave packages:

zonemgr -a add -n m2 -z /zones -P pw -I “|hme0|24|m2” \
-C /etc/nsswitch.conf -C /etc/resolv.conf -G mysql5 -G apache2 -G dss

See for full list of available packages from Blastwave.

ZoneMgr by Example 10:
complexity simplified
Warning: The following relatively complex example
could very well take 20 or more steps if performing
manually without the simplification of the Zone Manager.
Fortunately with the Zone Manager you only have to type
in a single (although somewhat long) command.

Proceed with great delight. ;-)

ZoneMgr by Example 10:
complexity simplified
Lets consider what it would take to
create a non-global zone with the Network Global Zone
following features:
Whole Zone Zed
• Set home directory and shell of root user Minimized & Hardened
• Add network address mysql5 sshd
• Add read-only and read-write mounted /zfs(rw)
/zshare(ro) /zdata(rw)
directories from the global zone
• Add zfs filesystem
• Minimize: Un-install all un-necessary packages /share zfs /data
• Harden: Disable all un-necessary services
• Apply custom configuration files
• Install MySQL5 from network package
• Apply specific privileges to the zone
• Add a user to the zone

ZoneMgr by Example 10:
complexity simplified
The following command will perform the details stated in the following
Global Zone
zonemgr -a add -n zed -t w -z /zones \
-P "pw" -R “/root|/bin/bash” \ Whole Root
-I "|hme0|24|zed" \ Zone Zed
root user:
-M basic -s "basic|lock" \ password=pw
-r "/share|/zshare" -w "/data|/zdata" \ home=/root
-w "zfs|/zfs|mypool" \
-C /etc/ssh/sshd_config -S ssh \ Zone Zed Base Dir:
-C /etc/resolv.conf \ /zones/zed
-C “/etc/nsswitch.dns|/etc/nsswitch.conf” \
-G mysql5 -L default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user \
-X “useradd -m myuser”
1. Create a whole root zone named zed in /zones/zed.
2. Set the root user password of zone zed to pw.
3. Set the root user home directory of zone zed to /root.
4. Set the root user shell of zone zed to /bin/bash.

ZoneMgr by Example 10:
complexity simplified
The following command will perform the details stated in the following
Network Global Zone
zonemgr -a add -n zed -t w -z /zones \
-P "pw" -R “/root|/bin/bash” \ Zone Zed
-I "|hme0|24|zed" \ pkgrm <pkgs>
-M basic -s "basic|lock" \
-r "/share|/zshare" -w /data \ svcadm disable <svcs>
-w "zfs|/zfs|mypool" \
-C /etc/ssh/sshd_config -S ssh \
-C /etc/resolv.conf \
-C “/etc/nsswitch.dns|/etc/nsswitch.conf” \
-G mysql5 -L default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user \
-X “useradd -m myuser”
5. Set the IP address of zone zed to, the
netmask to, assign it to interface hme0, and
assign it a host name of zed in /etc/hosts.
6. Uninstall all un-necessary packages from zone zed and disable all
un-necessary services using the basic hardening method.
ZoneMgr by Example 10:
complexity simplified
The following command will perform the details stated in the following
Network Global Zone
zonemgr -a add -n zed -t w -z /zones \
-P "pw" -R “/root|/bin/bash” \ Whole Zone Zed
Minimized & Hardened
-I "|hme0|24|zed" \
-M basic -s "basic|lock" \
-r "/share|/zshare" -w "/data|/zdata" \ /zfs(rw)
/zshare(ro) /zdata(rw)
-w "zfs|/zfs|mypool" \
-C /etc/ssh/sshd_config -S ssh \
-C /etc/resolv.conf \ /share zfs /data
-C “/etc/nsswitch.dns|/etc/nsswitch.conf” \
-G mysql5 -L default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user \
-X “useradd -m myuser”
7. Read only mount directory /share from the global zone to /zshare
in non-global zone zed.
8. Read write mount directory /data from the global zone to /data
in non-global zone zed.
9. Create legacy mode zfs filesystem and mount it exclusively in zone zed.
ZoneMgr by Example 10:
complexity simplified
The following command will perform the details stated in the following
Network Global Zone
zonemgr -a add -n zed -t w -z /zones \
-P "pw" -R “/root|/bin/bash” \ Whole Zone Zed
Minimized & Hardened
-I "|hme0|24|zed" \
-M basic -s "basic|lock" \ sshd
-r "/share|/zshare" -w "/data|/zdata" \ /zfs(rw)
/zshare(ro) /zdata(rw)
-w "zfs|/zfs|mypool" \
-C /etc/ssh/sshd_config -S ssh \
-C /etc/resolv.conf \ /share zfs /data
-C “/etc/nsswitch.dns|/etc/nsswitch.conf” \
-G mysql5 -L default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user \
-X “useradd -m myuser”
10. Copy sshd_config and resolv.conf from global zone to zone zed.
11. Replace resolv.conf in zone zed with the contents of resolv.dns from
the global zone.
12. Once the zone has completed being created and the configuration
file copies are complete, restart the ssh service.
ZoneMgr by Example 10:
complexity simplified
The following command will perform the details stated in the following
Network Global Zone
zonemgr -a add -n zed -t w -z /zones \
-P "pw" -R “/root|/bin/bash” \ Whole Zone Zed
Minimized & Hardened
-I "|hme0|24|zed" \
-M basic -s "basic|lock" \ mysql5 sshd
-r "/share|/zshare" -w "/data|/zdata" \ /zfs(rw)
/zshare(ro) /zdata(rw)
-w "zfs|/zfs|mypool" \
-C /etc/ssh/sshd_config -S ssh \
-C /etc/resolv.conf \ /share zfs /data
-C “/etc/nsswitch.dns|/etc/nsswitch.conf” \
-G mysql5 -L default,dtrace_proc,dtrace_user \
-X “useradd -m myuser”
13. Install mysql5 from the package repository into
zone zed.
14. Set default, dtrace_proc, and dtrace_user privileges for zone zed.
15. Add user “myuser” to zone zed.

ZoneMgr Resources
OpenSolaris Project Page (Downloads, Docs, Bugs, RFEs,...):

Discuss Zones and the Zone Manager:

Contact Me:
Thank You

Brad Diggs
Senior Directory Architect
Sun Microsystems, Inc.

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