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The Matrix is a computer simulated world where humans fight

against the agents . The world is powered by humans who are

used like machines but some of the other humans are not used
like a machine . The Matrix begins with the cryptic text as a
computer program .the agents are trying to find out the code to
the Zion mainframe.

Some of the humans who are not joined onto the machines in
the matrix are trying to find the chosen one, Neo.
The Captain of the Nebuchadnezzar, Morpheus, gets caught
by the agents and agent Smith they are trying to make him tell
agent smith the code to the Zion mainframe `

The matrix refers to the Christianity in some aspects such as the

Zion is the promised city, Neo is Latin for the Nebuchadnezzar
is a prophet of Israel

The computerised world is duller than the real world in the

computerised world is dull green and black constantly in the real
world it is brighter kind of with loads of blue .strong colour
palette: green is used to create a link between the green data on
the computer screens and the matrix

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