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Actuarial Topics Segue alguns temas para o TCC. Deixei em ingls j que copiei de vrios lugares os termos.

Alm disso, facilita quando voc fizer uma busca no google com o nome em ingls, pois provavelmente achar uma maior quantidade de materiais sobre o assunto. Alguns temas so puxados e outros demandam acesso a base de dados restritas (no abertas ao publico). Em geral, o ideal comear com um tpico j no TCP, pois o tempo voa. Sucessos, Reinaldo Maques. Solvency Capital and Reserving Stochastic Modelling Risk Management Pricing Catastrophe Risk Monte Carlo Methods Lessons Learned from the Crisis Reinsurance Risk Transfer Vehicles Governance Extreme Value Statistics Climate Risk Marketing in insurance

Health Insurance (+ sade suplementar)

Asset Allocation:
Asset allocation techniques in stressed market environment Pension investment policies Liability driven investments Bond management under sovereign and systemic risks Investments, liquidity risks and best execution Use of derivatives with clearing houses


Capital and Risk Management:

Insurance sustainability ORSA and risk appetite of long-term investors Risk measures, internal models and risk assessment methodologies Capital allocation to business lines

ERM in the life insurance and finance industries Regulation and supervision issues Implementation of fair value accounting Procyclical effects of accounting and solvency rules

Insurance contracts, Longevity Risk Management:

Design, valuation, risk and model risk management of life insurance contracts and guarantees embedded in insurance products Insurance-linked securities Longevity and mortality risks Risk management over the life cycle

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