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The next Parent Council meeting will be on Wednesday 20th March, 6 7pm, West site Cafeteria. PROPOSED AGENDA The Parent Council core purpose is 1. To have a say to influence the future of the Academy and its place within the community 2. To understand and support childs education 3. To report on Academy progress 4. To work together with the school (helping to organise/promote events) Therefore the following proposed agenda points are designed to fit those criteria 1. Discuss proposal to meet with the student council/student parliament (Syreeta Bowditch) 2. Discuss ways to improve attendance at Parents Evenings 3. Impressions of the new build, concerns and questions regarding uniform and rules. (David Day and Natalie Clarke) 4. Update on upcoming events and proposed events which the council may elect to support (Lyn Baseley) 5. AOB To improve accessibility for parents to attend our meetings, we now offer Homework club with food for your children Transport via shuttle bus between sites Both of these must be booked by the day before the meeting. All Academy parents will be invited to attend. It is very important that parents are engaged fully in the life of the Academy and to achieve this we need more parents to become Partners in Learning and members of the Parent Council. Parents who would like to be part of the Parent Council are warmly invited to contact the Academy on this matter or to download, complete and return the expression of interest form attached on the Academy website. If you have any queries, please contact

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