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Dear Child Jesus You are my best gift of the heavenly Father Among the gifts Chrismas thaatha

brings and my parents and teachers give. You are my best friend. The spotless smile of your lips The merciful look of your eyes The tender touch of your hands The little beat of your pulse Is all dear to my heart. You are the best gift of the heavenly father. I have a plead. I have a prayer. Pease Jesus my friend bless all children in the world Without love and care without food and drink Without new clothes for christmas Please touch the hearts of the people who are not in peace Who are the victims of wars and violence. Bless our parents their tears and struggles for us Bless our beloved teachers, our school, all workers Let them all cherish your love for ever. Bless our mother earth- let green of peace shrowd over it again Bless us all- your little friends That we may shine like that little star upon the sky That appeared on your birth So that we may lead the world to your feet Amen Amen Amen!!!

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