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Lesson 2 Australian Adventure

1. Listen to the story and then read it with lots of expression.


2. Put the sentences in order. (根据故事排序。)

Floppy woke up and he had an idea to help them get rid of the fleas.

Finally, the fleas stayed on the boomerang and Ginger let go of it.

Floppy met four dingos behind the rocks.

Floppy dreamed of a kangaroo and other animals.

The animals ran to a water-hole to get away from fire.

The dingos had fleas, so the men didn’t like them.

The magic key took Floppy to a red desert in Australia.

Floppy asked Ginger to go into the water with a boomerang.

(1) ______________________________________________________

(2) ______________________________________________________

(3) ______________________________________________________

(4) ______________________________________________________

(5) ______________________________________________________

(6) ______________________________________________________

(7) ______________________________________________________

(8) ______________________________________________________

3. Tick the right box.(选择正确答案。)

(1) Chip groaned, “ _________ floppy is boring.”

walking talking stalking
(2) “_________ the pond!” shouted Mum.
Find Mind Wind
(3) “Those times long ago were called The Dreamtime,” _________
whispered whistled whimpered
(4) “Hooray!” _________ the dingos.
cheered groaned shouted
(5) “I’m off to the park to find a water- _________ ,” he thought.
role pole hole

4. How did the dingos get rid of the fleas? Write a summary.(澳洲犬是怎






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