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Tutorial 4 (1) What is the use of Radio Button in VB.NET?

(2) Given the following: E=500 S=700 J=1 T=60 I=40 Determine the truth value of the following conditions: a. E<400 OR J=1 b. S=700 AND T=500

S-T=640 AND (J<>1)

d. T+I = S-500 OR J=0 e. S<300 AND I<50 OR J=1


S<300 AND <> (I<50 OR J=1)

3) What are the purposes of comparison operator and logical operator? 4) Give an example of a situation where nested Ifs would be appropriate. 5) When would it be appropriate to use a Case Structure? Give example.

6) Design user interface for the problem given in Lab about Lynette Rifles image consulting shop.

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