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IMMIGRATION1 There is, in the current discussion of immigration, the word amnesty.

The dictionary definition of this word is defined as: A pardon extended by the government to a group or class of persons, usually for a political offense; the act of a sovereign power officially forgiving certain classes of persons who are subject to trial but have not yet been convicted. It includes more than pardon, in as much as it obliterates all legal remembrance of the offense. Who, in their right mind, does not understand the significance of this simple and undeliniated meaning? If there is any comprehension of the need for law, and by that I mean a spirit of and the encoding of and the administration of a set of principles that are designed expressly for the civil maintenance of any group of people. There must be some realization that decorum and respect are synergisms that reciprocally benefit us all. And I must now be clear about what is meant by this: we must extend our understanding to all people in as much as we are in the midst of an accelerating implosion of the human race on the planet earth. Those certain unalienable rights so touted by so much rhetoric need to be understood at a fundamental level so that each and every person has a deep commitment to an understanding of the necessity of such laws and

See the complete treatment of Immigration in the various Vols. of Sign Posts at:

regulations, laws and regulations that speak to essential human behaviors that complement those opportunities to exercise and protect the rights of all people. This we cannot do without the essentials of law that governs the honest movements of the species. The words open society do have meaning, however not the one that fails to understand, along with the generous simplicity of the intent, the other words of anarchy, ignorance, destruction, and the list goes on. The movement of the species cannot be that honest interchange without sufficient recognition of appropriate laws that protect us all. For far too long the U.S. has turned a blind eye to the growing problems of the increasing numbers of undocumented illegal aliens within our borders. The time has come to address this issue and to do so in a manner that does not trample on the necessity to create sufficient oversight and regulations for everyone. This predicates the need to refrain from granting amnesty to those who have knowingly broken existing laws. A fundamental respect for the laws of the land create that operational environment of mutual respect that births trust among the citizens of a nation. To ignore this fact is to create a harbinger for future disregard for essential decorum and respect. Laws are an essential attribute of a nations well-being. They add structure to the fabric of a well ordered society. The dismissal of any responsibility for the obeying of our laws suggests that they really carry no weight nor are of any significance. Such is not the case. Don Davison

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