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Indian girls held captive for sex trade in Saudi Arabia

By : dharmaseva Rating : Disabled Paush Krushna Prathama, Kaliyug Varsha 5113 New Delhi : More than fifty-six Indian girls have been cornered in the sex and slave trade in Saudi Arabia capital Riyadh, revealed a victim who succeeded to escape and returned to India. According to media reports, most of the victims are hailing from Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Nepal. All these girls were sent for jobs in Saudi Arabia during the last two months through several job consultant agencies. Nish Rai, hailed from Darjeeling somehow stole her passport and succeeded in returning to India. The escaped girl alleged that the girls underwent sexual, physical and mental tortures and were forced into prostitution. Meanwhile, Darjeeling cops said that West Bengal CID and state government would be launched an investigation into the case with the help of the External Affairs ministry. Moreover, police is now trying to trace the families of the captive girls in Saudi. Police also detained two job consultants to get some clues into the matter. Source : One India


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