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Missionaries in Goa welcome ban on Sree Rama Sena

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Chaitra Shuddha Saptami Panaji (Goa): It has been published on the website of Union of Catholic Asian News that catholic missionaries have welcomed the ban imposed by the Congress Home Minister Shri. Ravi Naik on a staunch Hindu Organization Sree Rama Sena which had strongly opposed pub culture. (Christians do not waste even a single opportunity to express their hatred towards Hindus in a country where Hindus are supposed to be in majority. Why are they then staying in India? Editor) It has been mentioned in the news published on the said website that Sree Rama Sena has attacked Hindu youths many times in the last 2 months in Karnataka. (It is a blatant lie given by Christians about the pro-Hindu Organization Editor). The first attack was made on young Hindu women in a pub in Mangaluru. (The Christian website is supporting the indecent dancing of those young women in pub which shows that it wants such disgraceful pub culture. These Christians should immediately leave cultured and refined India and go to some western country Editor). One of the missionaries, Bismark said that the State Government of Goa has done a good job by banning this organization when it is still in nascent stage. (Christians are always against Hinduism. Hindus are paying for their mistake of not doing anything against these impudent Christians when they were in nascent stage in this country Editor). Everyone has a right to express his/her views in a democracy; but nobody has a right to force ones views on others in violent manner. (Christians need not talk about non-violence, freedom of speech etc. Such hopeless mentality is the cause for school children having hard drinks, using birth control contraceptives in the western Christian countries and the number of frustrated children committing suicide is on rise Editor). An organization like Sree Rama Sena is in fact, causing harm to culture under the pretext of protection of culture. (Fr. Bismark should prove his point with citing examples Editor). Source: Dainik Sanatan Prabhat

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1. Hindu Genocide in Kashmir & Bangladesh 2. Elect only pro-Hindu candidates in forthcoming elections


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