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COLGIO ESTADUAL JOS RASCO PROF: DANIELLE DISCIPLINA: INGLS TURMA: 3001 DATA: _____/_____/______ DUPLA: ______________________________________________________ N: _____________

I. Ponha os verbos no espao no Gerund ou Infinitive: Example: They go on _______ (read) the book. Answer: They go on reading the book.

1) I can't imagine Peter 2) He agreed 3) The question is easy 4) The man asked me how 5) I look forward to 6) Are you thinking of 7) We decided

(go) by bike. (buy) a new car. (answer). (get) to the airport. (see) you at the weekend. (visit) London? (run) through the forest. (study) hard. (work) the night shift. (ride) the bike at the age of 5. (buy) a new car. (do). (smoke) .

8) The teacher expected Sarah 9) She doesn't mind 10) I learned 11) We decided

12) They've got some work 13) Peter gave up 14) He'd like 15) I enjoy

(fly) an aeroplane. (write) picture postcards. (do) if there's a fire in the shop?

16) Do you know what 17) Avoid

(make) silly mistakes. (be) home at 11 o'clock. (build) a big house. (see) Lisa.

18) My parents wanted me 19) I dream about 20) I'm hoping

II. Decida se os verbos so seguidos por um verbo no Gerund ou no Infinitive form: 1) finish Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct. 2) like Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct. 3) hope Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct. 4) feel like Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct. 5) seem Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct. 6) forget Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct. 7) start Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct. 8) manage Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct. 9) agree Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct. 10) avoid Gerund Infinitive + to Both possibilities are correct.

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