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REMEMBER: Several responses might be acceptable choose the best one 1. Wow - where did you learn ___________? a) dancing like that b) to dance like that c) to dance so 2. Spending time with you was the ___________ ( = best part) of my trip. a) highlight b) high life c) high time 3. Which of these words does NOT mean attractive? a) hot b) good-looking c) flighty d) gorgeous 4. Hes always ___________ = Hes never late a) on time b) in time c) with time 5. My mother is a warm and ___________ person. ( = someone who cares about people) a) careful b) carrying c) caring 6. That necklace really ___________ the color of your eyes. ( = It makes the color of your eyes more noticeable) a) takes out b) brings out c) creates 7. Thanks for ___________ me a lift/ride home. ( = thanks for driving me home) a) taking b) giving c) bringing 8. He always picks up ___________ ( = pays) when we go out. Hes the most generous person I know. a) the tab b) the receipt c) the tabulated total 9. He makes me laugh. Hes got a great ___________! a) sense of style b) feeling of humor c) sense of humor 10. Thanks for ___________. ( = making me feel better) a) cheering me out b) cheering me up c) saying cheers
| Praising someone/ Giving compliments 2

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