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Q1.Read the following passage and write down the answer : (10)

I managed to grab a few clothes, some coins , my little Ganesh statue ,and I ran . how I ran! I ran
for a day and a night , then on a bus . No tickets . Never mind, everyone seemed to be running.
Finally I found myself in Pambupatti , and I saw some villagers gathered near a well.I ran to
them , and before I could say a thing , I fainted. When I opened my eyes , I saw an old man with
white hair , white beard and shining black eyes bending over me. For the next few days he
looked after me, putting food in my mouth and bringing sweets for me, cool water from the
stream, he rubbed my feet gently and made the pain go away. “Tell me grandfather”, I said to
him. “ I have never seen people like the villagers here! In my village, people fight with those
who pray to another god. But here , this seems a very strange place.”

• What did the narrator manage to grab? (2)

• Where did the narrator finally reach? (1)

• What did he see when he opened his eyes? (1)

• How did the old man bring relief to the narrator? (2)

• Make sentences : i) managed ii) statue (2)

• Write the opposite words : i) sweet ii) strange (2)

Q2. Fill in the blanks with appropriate abstract noun from the aid box : (1x5=5)

• Mahatma Gandhi was famous for his _______.

• She can do anything for her mother’s _______.

• I am sure of your _________.

• Rima is always aware of her _________ towards her parents.

• I like the chocolate icecream for its __________.

Q3. Underline and shorten the phrases by using contraction : (1x5=5)

• We are very confident about our result.

• They are responsible for their own failure.

• I will surely go there.

• You are not capable of doing this heavy task.

• Do not write anything on the cover page of your book.

Q4. It was your birthday yesterday and your friends and family planned a surprise party for you
.Describe how it all happened and write your experience in the form of a diary entry. (5)

Q5.Write the meaning of the following words : (1x3=3)

• Groaning b) seized c) fastened

Q6. Make sentences with the following words: (1x3=3)

• Yawned b) capable c) symptoms

Q7. Answer the following question : (9)

• “Open your mouth and let me see”__ Who said the quoted line and to whom ? From
which text the line is taken ? (2+1)

• “By this time the dental instruments were ready” __ what were the dental instruments ?
why were they needed ? (1+2)

• Do you think that the title of the story Monday Morning Blues is just and appropriate?
Give reason for your answer. (3)

Q1. Read the following passage and answer the following questions: (10)
The National Flag of India , fondly known as Tiranga, is the nation’s pride. It is an important and
integral part of the Republic of India. It represents the sovereignty of the country and is respected
by its citizens and is flown on all the government buildings in India. It is a ritual to hoist the
national flag of India on national festivals such as Independence Day, Republic Day and Gandhi
The national flag of India reflects its culture , civilization and history. The flag flowing in the air
is not just a symbol of freedom but also reminds the Indian citizens of the sacrifices made by the
freedom fighters to free our country from the tyranny of the British. Our flag inspires people to
be humble and to value the freedom and independence attained after much struggle.
a) What does the national flag represent? (2)
b)When do we hoist the National Flag? (2)
c) What does the flag reflect? (2)
d) Make sentences: i) inspire , ii) civilization (2)
e) Write the meanings of the following words : i) attained ii) humble (2)
Q2. Suppose, during the Pre-Mid term test you mistakenly prepared for Mathematics
paper on the day of your English paper. You realized your mistake only when you got the
question paper. Give an account of your experience in the form of a diary entry.(10)
Q3. Fill in the blanks with appropriate abstract nouns : (1x5=5)
Aid- box : surprise , anger , sorrow , secret , attention
a) Rima will be full of_______ if she fail to dance well.
b) The teacher looked at the student in _______ when he heard the strange answer.
c) Tiya’s face turn red when she is in_______.
d) The thief is trying to hide his _____.
e) Pay more _____while you are writing the answers.
Q4. Write the contracted form of the given phrases : (1x5=5)
a) you would b) she will c) are not d) does not e) is not
Q5. Write the answers of the following questions : (10)
a) “ The tooth hung dangling by the bedpost now.” ___ From which prose piece the quoted line is
taken? Whose tooth is referred to here? Why the tooth ‘hung dangling’ ? (1+1+1)
b) “ I forgive you everything, Sid,…” Who is the speaker of this line ? Write the author’s name
of this prose piece. (1+1)
c) Why did Tom begin to groan loudly ? (2)
d) Write the meaning of the given words: i) stare ii) detect iii) inspection (1+1+1)
Q1. Read the given passage and answer the following: (5)
We are lucky to have a big and decent park near our colony. It remains a hub of activities from
morning to evening. It has well laid out lush green lawn. Beautiful flower and fruit trees add to
its scenic beauty. There is an old banyan tree. People like to sit and sleep in its shade in
summers. There is a huge fountain in the middle of the park. It attracts the attention of the
young and old alike. There is a swimming pool to the left. Children are fond of swimming in it. In
one of its corners, there are games for children such as ping-pong, see-saw, swing and merry-go-
round. A large number of health conscious people have their morning and evening walks in the
calm atmosphere of this park.
a) Why does the speaker consider themselves lucky? (1)
b) where do the people like to sit and sleep? (1)
c) Name the games that are there in the park. (1)
d) Make sentences : I) calm , II) fountain
Q2. Suddenly you came to know through the snap homework that your summer vacation
would start one week earlier . Write a diary entry expressing your feelings. (5)
Q3. Form the Abstract Nouns from the following adjectives and frame a sentence against each
abstract noun: (1X5=5)
a). sincere b). innocent c). wise
d). strong e). courageous
Q4. Correct and rewrite the sentences given below (use apostrophe) : (1X3=3)
a. The girl dress is very beautiful.
b. Rahul sister reads in class V.
c. Riya dance was wonderful.
Q5. Shorten the underlined words using contraction in the following sentences: (1X3=3)
a. I will not be able to come to the school tomorrow.
b. She does not pay attention in the class.
c. You would love to make your life comfortable.
Q6.Write the meaning of the following words: (1x4=4)
a) miserable b) discovered c) rubbish d) hurried
Q7. Make sentences with the following words : (1x3=3)
a) drama b) awful c) relief
Q8. Answer the following questions: (12)
a) “Monday mornings always found Tom Sawyer miserable…”___ From which text the quoted
line is taken? Why did Tom consider the ‘Monday morning’ measurable? (1+2)
b) “But the poor lady hurried upstairs…”___ Who was ‘the poor lady’? With whom she hurried
upstairs? Going there what was her initial reaction ? (1+1+1)
c) Why did Aunt Polly’s face grow white ? When did she become relieved? (2+1)
d) Tom Sawyer gave fake excuses about his health condition. Why did he do so? Do you support
his behaviour ? (2+2)


1. Write the meanings of the words given:
a) frightened-_________________________________________
b) crawl- ____________________________________________
c) awfully-___________________________________________
d) dangling- __________________________________________
e) yawn- _____________________________________________
2. Make meaningful sentences with the words given below:
3. Read the following extracts and answer the questions that follow:
a) “Oh, aunty, my sore toe is going to fall off.”
i) Name the chapter and the author.
___________ii) Who is the speaker?
___________ iii) What has happened to the speaker?

b) “ Oh ,don’t Sid, don’t joggle me”

i) Name the speaker.
___________ii) Where did they converse with each other and which day
was it?
iii) How did Sid help the speaker?
4. Answer the following questions:
a) What was Tom’s opinion regarding school?
_________________________________b) What was Tom’s plan?
_________________________________c) Why did Tom claim that he
would forgive everything?
_________________________________ d) How did Aunt Polly react to
Tom’s complaint of a sore toe?
e) What were the dental instruments used by Aunt Polly?

f) What is the meaning of ‘Monday Morning Blues’?

5. Prepare a slogan on ‘World Earth Day’.


Q1. Fill in the blanks with appropriate abstract nouns given in the aid
Aid box childhood , misery , wastage, cruelty, virtue, darkness, honesty
a) Sharma is a man of__________________.
b) ______________ to animals is an offence.
c)The man is known for his ____________.
d)My sister is scared of ____________
e)__________________ is the best period in one’s life.
f) There is no end to his _______________.
g) ________________ should always be avoided.
Q2. Fill in the blanks with abstract nouns. Take clues from the words
given in the brackets:
a) Mother Teresa is known for her _________________. (kind)
b) His face turned red in _______________. (angry)
c) I like the __________________ of the ice cream. (tasty)
d) I have great ______________ to welcome you.( please)
e) We should follow traffic rules for ___________. ( safe)
Q3. Form abstract nouns from the adjectives used in the following
phrases and write them in the blanks:
a) The pleasant morning _______________
b) A decent lady ________________
c) The wise king ________________
d) The brave soldiers ________________
e) A humble request ________________
f) A young politician ________________

4 . Write a letter to the principal of your school requesting for a transfer

certificate. Give a reason. You are Raj/Rani of St. Paul’s School ,
N.B. : Write the answers of all sets of summer holiday homework (set
1,2,3 and 4) in the loose page of practical copy and attach the pages set
wise. Compile all the pages in a channel file.

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