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International Reading Association Officer Duties Elections will be held on March 30th at the last meeting.

Please e-mail if you plan on running for an officer position. President Preside over all meetings Calls special meetings to order Creates agenda for each meeting Register the IRA with the students activities office for the fall or spring semesters Checks mail at Student Activities Attend get oriented workshops (spring) as well as risk management workshop (fall) Vice President Reserves room for meeting Finds guest speakers/ buys them gifts Purchase items necessary for the organization Recording Secretary Takes notes at informal and formal meetings Creates minutes from meeting notes Email minutes to officers Corresponding Secretary Keeps list of addresses and emails of members Helps to set up meetings Aid to membership director In charge of recruitment

Treasurer Collect dues and disburse payments Provide annual Tax Return to the Internal Revenue Service and file tax return Keep up with bank account Membership Director Keeps track of members Organize book raffles Manage refreshments for meetings Create certificates for members and officers Makes extra credit forms Historian Maintain online media/ social pages Maintain scrapbook Take pictures at events/ meetings Postings on bulletin board In charge of advertisement Service projects Chair Plans service projects Organizes the service project Informs the chapter of plans Organizes forms for book donations Fundraising Chair Brainstorms of fundraising ideas Organizes the fundraiser Informs the chapter of plans Manages book fair

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