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PsTL 1081 Extra Credits (15 points)

Purpose The purpose of this project is to evaluate how well you can apply the psychology knowledge you have learned.

Requirements For this assignment, you are to write a proposal for a project you would like to do. This project, although you will not actually conduct it, should be based on what you have learned in the psychology class and be practical. For example, you can propose to do an experiment or propose to make a video clip, etc. Your proposal should be no shorter than 5 pages (double-spaced). It should include the following components: 1) Rationale Include a brief review of the theory underlying this project. Reasonable justification of why it is important to apply the chosen topic Clear explanation of why the proposed project is important to demonstrate the meaning of the chosen topic

2) Research Plan A thorough description of the procedure you will use to complete this project.

Grading Criteria The paper should be well written and proposes an appropriate project that is possible to conduct The paper addresses every component required, and the writing is cohesive and transitions well between paragraphs The total length of the proposal meets the requirement The paper should have minimal spelling and grammatical errors


Submit on Moodle by 1:25pm on Wednesday, March 27

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