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CROSSING ABBEY ROAD ACT 1 Scene 1 City of Westminster, London, England, 1961. 3:34 pm.

Two 17 year-old boys are in a lounge area with orange shag carpet and inexpensive, fraying, ivory armchairs. There are two wooden chairs are by the wall (SL) and theres a small table with an ashtray in between them. Overall, the room is cheaply furbished. PAUL (SR) is standing and smoking a cigarette. He is wearing a narrowed black tie, faded brown trench coat, and a white oxford shirt that has been un-tucked, making him look a bit disheveled. GEORGE (SF) looks similar, only he is sitting with one leg crossed, his shirt is blue with faded food stains on the front, and his hair is relatively longer. GEORGE (Runs a hand through his hair) Well, that was total shit, wasn't it? PAUL Eh. Depends on what you mean by shit, I guess. (Takes a drag of the cigarette) I honestly think it was okay. I mean, Bob seemed to think it was ace. GEORGE (Aggravated) You really think it was (hesitates with aura of disdain) okay? PAUL I mean, come off it now, whatd you expect? There were only three of us. PAUL ashes some of his cigarette in a makeshift ashtray. He signs and examines the tip of the cigarette, his fingernails. GEORGE Yeah, exactly. Ill tell you, Im sick of bein alright and standard and such. (Sits back in chair) And I dont like bein three. No one likes three. PAUL Im just sayin it was alright. Not bad, not good. Alright. GEORGE Yeah, well, you think a lot of things are alright. PAUL (Stares a him somewhat surprised) Like what are you talkin about now?

CROSSING ABBEY ROAD GEORGE (Sighs) Let me see (sarcastically, looks up to the ceiling). How bout when you started that fire in our hotel in Hamburg? I cant believe you actually thought it was okay to light a condom on fire. PAUL (Rolls eyes, annoyed) You sound like my damn mum. It was nailed to the wall for Christs sake! GEORGE Or when you brought that stripper home from Indras club that night. And Godshe was disgusting. PAUL Oh get off it will you? (Puts out cigarette in the ashtray so he can use his hands to tell the story) It was mostly JOHNny Silvers idea to burn that condom anyway, not mine. It was funnyexcept to you, parently (starts to drift off a little). That place was rubbish too real dodgey. And honestly, the girl wasnt that bad. And she did have a namean quit accusin me bout lighting things on fire when you (points fingerbouncing it up and downaccusingly but playfully) were the one who lied bout bein young and whatnot and got us all deported from Hamburg in the first place! GEORGE (Agitated) Bugger off! GEORGE uncrosses his leg and bends over, resting his elbows on his knees, adopting a melancholy attitude. GEORGE (Continues) We had to go to Germany. We werent getting anywhere in London. And we werent goin to for a long time if we stayed. Absolutely no chance for us here then and you know it. PAUL Yeah, I guess. And there was no way I was going back to that bloody college. My mum was gonna make me, you know. Now that was rubbish. They dont even know a thing bout music. Not one bit. PAUL sits down in the chair next to GEORGE with a glum look plastered on his face. GEORGE I know. Im glad you didnt go back. I might be dead in a sewer somewhere if you did... Actually, Id more likely be king of England right now. (Looks off into space, smiling) gettin shagged by all those American girls.

CROSSING ABBEY ROAD PAUL (Snorts at GEORGE without looking at him, examines something under his nails) What makes you think people would ever want to shag you? GEORGE (Leans back and stretches out on the chair. Putting his hands behind his head he closes eyes while smiling) Besides my charm and good looks, you mean? My utterly crass ability to seduce underage yet willing females. PAUL (Chuckles) A talent indeed. GEORGE (Sighs, becomes a little more solemn and realizing why they are there) Well, I dun know what were gonna do. That there (points behind him to a door) was a faithful cock up if you ask me. Were right back where we started. Jus great. PAUL (Raises hands in the air, almost incredulous) Oh stop for a bloody minute, will you? Bob said they had to listen to it first, then they would scribe it to the playback sheet. Good things take time...Well, sort of good things do, at least. GEORGE (Incredulously) Good?! How can you even say that was good? (Leaning in, looks at him in disbelief). Cart, we dont even have a drummer for Marys sake. GEORGE runs his left hand through his hair, visibly distraught. PAUL stands up and looks at the ground, he starts walking and kicks his heels as he goes, hands in his pockets. PAUL Bob suggested a studio drummeryou know, someone just for the recording then we can find someone else later. PAUL looks up at GEORGE, raises his eyebrow and cocks his head PAUL (Continues) Whatcha think about that? GEORGE (Rather aggressively) Thats bollocks and I wont do it Its money we dont have either. Besides, why would we want a studio drummer? Theyre just from crap dropped groups that dont really give a damn about anything except for the pound they make(he is talking more to himself now). I-I dun know, I wish Pete hadnt left, much as we didnt

CROSSING ABBEY ROAD like im. We got nothin and were headed to nothin if we cant get someone wholl stay with us, at least for a couple years. We cant go back to Germany. We cant really go...anywhere. We need someone that can be apart of us, of you and me...and JOHNny Silvers too, of course. We need someone that wants...all that we do, yknow? GEORGE is now looking worried and defeated, and reverts his gaze to the floor. PAUL, visibly bored, moves his head in a circle slowly while GEORGE talks. PAUL Listen, I was just makin a suggestion, a-kay? You dont need to get all (waves hands in the air) philosophy on me. (PAUSEthen, more endearingly, quieter) Well find someone, alright? PAUL sits down, leans over resting his elbows on his knees, hands folded together. PAUL (Continues) You know, Im thinkin of it, an I didnt even like Germany anyway. Food was crap. Tottieseh. And the whole fire thing was a real dogs dinner. Im sorry mate, about that, by the way. We didnt mean to (looks ashamed, down at the floor). GEORGE Oh, its a-kay. I just (sighs) I just wish it wasnt so damn hard in London. Its too big here. Too many buildings and too many people. Too much politics and bullshit and such. Everyones got a damn stick up their arse. PAUL folds his arms across his chest, leans back. PAUL What bout America? Heard its really nice. Like that one placeCaliforniathat right? Heard its nothin like London. Wayyou knowcooler. (Turns to GEORGE and starts talking with his hands) And theyve got some type of revolution goin on or somethin. And the beach too. I wanna be by the oceanreal warm. And American girlswhatd you think bout goin there? GEORGE leans forward in chair, shakes his head, and rubs his left temple with his left hand, seeming stressed. GEORGE You dont get it. Were stuck here. Howre you, and me, and JOHNny Silvers gonna get to America in the first place, much less make it while we there? Especially with only three.

CROSSING ABBEY ROAD PAUL Oh come on. (Leaning back in the chair, putting his palms out facing upward, offering his explanation) We got to Germany and did a-kay, didnt we? That was somewhere other than London, at least (folds his arms against his chest again). GEORGE: Yeah, and then we got kicked out. By the authorities, and were not goin back anytime soon now that they officially know we arent of age. Which is jus shit. Id be bloody surprised if we could get out of this country, much less London now. Cart, you think because we played in a couple bars over in Germany, that we can get along alright in America? Not to mention everyone in Hamburg was off their bloody rocker, probably the only reason people ever liked us. (crosses his leg again, sits back) PAUL Oh enough of your hubsobbing. People liked us all right whether they were drugged up or not. Just because we dont have a drummer right this second doesnt mean we cant record. Weve got you (motions to GEORGE, right). Weve got me (motions to himself) Weve got JOHNny Silvers (motions to the left, to the empty wooden chair). That sounds like a league and a half to me. And dont be so down now bout being three. I get along swell enough with you chaps. Sides, Bob says hed help us. GEORGE No way were goin to get a studio drummer though. I wont do it. We might as well get my mum to play sticks for us. Say, dyou think itd be too awful to put off the recording til we find someone? PAUL Wait? (He furrows his eyebrows, shakes his head slowly) I dont want to wait. No, no. People gonna forget about us. Bob told us to take a break while he played back the track and then hed let us do a second time round. (Points behind him with index finger agitatedly) Now we gonna go back in there, and we gonna do it like we said we were. So juts sit here, and we gonna wait for Silvers to get back, a-kay? GEORGE Well dont get your head in a hole now. You know as well as I do its shit, and if Im sayin I dont want to record it, theres not gonna be anyone out there that will want to listen to it. PAUL (Sits up leans towards GEORGE) We finally have a chance to record, here in LONDON where absolutely nobody gets noticed EVER, and now you dont want to?! Well this is just great. Bloody terrific (throws hands up and slouches back again). GEORGE rests his elbow on his knee and his forehead on his palm while listening to PAUL, then looks at him.

CROSSING ABBEY ROAD GEORGE God you never listen, you know that? Of course I want to record the damn thing and you know it. But you also know the records crap already and its going to be unless we get our act together and get a drummer. (Cocks his head and looks closer at PAUL) You really wanna sound alright on our first record? PAUL Well, nono I dont. (Flicks the flame of the lighter while he talks) But I just want to do the recording now. I know its bad timing an such without anyone for sticks but, really, what else are we spposed to do? GEORGE We can wait until we actually sound good! What an idea. Youre mad because it means youll have to go back to being a piss-poor schoolboy for a while. PAUL (Stands up angrily, looking at GEORGE) Oh, shut up! I would love to Door opens SR. PAUL and GEORGE look over to see JOHN walking in from stage left, briskly, wearing gray pants and also an oxford shirt with a tie. He has brown hair, a cigarette tucked behind his ear, and his unbuttoned coat flaps as he walks. JOHN (Cheerily) Hello boys! How goes it now? GEORGE (Grumbling) Well if it isnt chipper Johnny Silvers... PAUL sits back down and crosses his arms again; legs stretched out and looking disgruntled, he sighs. JOHN pulls one of the wooden chairs and straddles it, facing GEORGE and PAUL, smiling broadly. GEORGE (Sourly, to JOHN) Well whats got you up, you nut? PAUL (Motions to GEORGE with his thumb) Someones throwin a little fit here. GEORGE (To PAUL) Come off it already you dope. Whats got you Johnny?

CROSSING ABBEY ROAD PAUL Well I can tell you Silvers, if youre excited about the recording you can forget it because JOHN (Interrupts PAUL, smiles even bigger) Oh yeahyeah I am. Real, real excited boys (starts tapping his foot anxiously). GEORGE (Sits up) Well, Im gonna tell you right now, Im not recor JOHN Listen, gents. I gotta tell you something. Somethin big. Somethin bloody great. PAUL (Rolls his eyes, tilts his head back, annoyed) If I hear one more damn thing about your shag on Saturday JOHN (Somewhat ignoring him, interrupts with excitement) No, no. Now, listen. You remember that night when we played in Hamburg at that bar? In Germany, before Cart here burned down that building cause of the condom on the wall? PAUL (Sitting up, exclaiming) That was YOU!! Jesus bloody Christ! GEORGE (More interested, sitting up, leaning towards JOHN) Yeah, yeah I remember. We were just talkin bout that actually. Whatre you sayin? JOHN (Still smiling) I met a guy there, real great. Just totally...fabulous. (Getting more excited) And hes in Liverpool now! Right now! Right as we speak, hes here! PAUL (Looking a little alarmed) God, Silvers, please dont tell me youve gone fag...have you? GEORGE (Puts his hands in his face) Oh my God... JOHN (Undeterred, ignores them, practically jumping off the chair) Come on boys, no! He plays (bows) the drums. PAUL and GEORGE look at each other, now that their interest is peaked.


PAUL (Genuinely interested now) And hes looking for play with? For good, you mean? GEORGE (Standing up slowly, in disbelief) I swear, if youre joking Johnny itll be the last word. JOHN (Animatedly talking with his hands) No! Im not, not even a littleI promise. Hes brilliant chaps! Just brilliant, and he wants to play with us! You have to meet im. (Looks at his watch) Hes at Connaughts right now and we can make in ten if we got a cab. What dyou both say? GEORGE I could use a drink bout now. And we could damn well use a drummer, boys. Got to go tell Bob to hold up for a few days on the recording, and well go meet this chap. GEORGE, PAUL, and JOHN start walking toward the door (SR). PAUL Say, Silvers, what about him? Whats his name? JOHN takes the cigarette from behind his ear, puts it in his mouth without lighting it. JOHN Hes a rather odd fellow. A little scrawny. Real nice though. Names Richard Starkis; they call him RingoRingo Starr for short. GEORGE: (looks at JOHN, thoughtfully) Ringo--how strange. PAUL (Opening door) Sounds American, maybe? I like im already. GEORGE, PAUL, and JOHN exit SR SCENE END

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