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Littering in America

Viviana Martinez Period 4 3-22-13

What is Litter?

Litter: consists of waste products that have been disposed improperly, without consent, in an inappropriate location. Throwing trash out the car. Purposely dropping trash. Forgetting to pick up your trash. Not picking up dog pop. Fish tackles on beach.

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Why do people litter?

Their to lazy to clean up after themselves. They dont care what they do.
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Who is more likely to litter?

Teenagers because they dont care what they do. Kids because they dont know thats its bad.

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Act or Littering

Global Warming Trash cans are over flowed pollution

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Advantages of littering

Some litter can be an animals next meal One mans trash is another mans treasure


It can also kills some animals It can start to smell Its gross Its messy

Strategies to prevent from littering

Qu i ckTi m e a nd a TIFF (Un co mp res se d) d ec om pres s or a re ne ed ed to se e th is pi c tu re.

Stop being so lazy and hust throw it away! Think about how your trash can destroy your wold before you litter

I pledge to
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I will always put my trash in a trfash can. I will always clean up after my self. I pledge to not litter!!!

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