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06:16:56 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *shuffles towards the medical hut, hearing the

sounds of pain. At least there's no more fuckin' Jo, he was hella creepy. He pokes a head inside, spotting Uncle, Sibbi and Dalton* 06:18:52 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *He wants to follow the Jo. He wants to follow it. He's being all antsy, glancing from Dalton, to Uncle, to the door* 06:21:27 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *staaaaaaaares at Sibbi* NO. You stay here, you need rest. *picks dat broom up and stands by the door* 06:24:16 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I don't need rest. I feel fine! *Stares at that door like a dog wanting to go outside*
06:24:53 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *completely confused, sitting around and occassionally

looks at one of the other two* . . . *smiles at Uncle's attempt to stop Sibbi* Listen to him Sibbi. 06:27:20 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *sidesteps Uncle into the medical hut* H-he'll hit you with a broom if you don't. 06:28:56 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *swats Addy in the back of the head* Ay-yaaah! No sneak up on me, Addee! You try to give me heart attack! 06:29:39 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I want to know what's happening at that meeting. *Watches Uncle swatting Addy* Hello, Addy. Thank you for the advice. *ming* 06:30:05 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *flinches when Addy's hit and leans away* Sibbi, don't go near him. 06:32:02 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *yelps* S-sorry sir! Yessir! 06:35:15 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *glares and taps the broom meaningfully against his palm* No one goes out through that door, unless they go through me. Council meeting not for straw-heads! 06:35:52 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *SLOWLY LOOKS TOWARDS THE WINDOW* 06:37:54 PM<Black-Ratchet>Window: *plays it cool* 06:38:25 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *Says nothing to Sibbi* . . . Do you think it will be a long meeting, really? *looks over at Uncle* It won't be worth the effort of looking for it, right? 06:39:32 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *frowns* Wh-why would you want to go to the meeting? You-you'll find out what happens anyway. 06:40:39 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Casually scanning the room for where there are easily accessable shadows* No particular reason.... really... 06:41:49 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *walks over and hauls off on Sibbi with the broom* THAT RIGHT! No reason for you to go! You stay! 06:46:52 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *laughs weakly as Uncle manhandles Sibbi* Hello Addyare you doing alright? *tries to get away from the other two* 06:48:45 PM<Black-Ratchet>Window: *winks at Sibbi* 06:48:48 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *rubs the back of his head* I-I'm fine. I-I thought I'd see... Um. N-nevermind. 06:55:06 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *AOIHGOA. That broom hurts, and that window is just being too seductive. He takes the chance! Bolts away from Uncle, trying to dive through it* 06:56:14 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *lets out a laugh when Sibbi dives for freedom and covers his mouth as quickly as he can* 06:56:20 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He's walking towards the beach from camp on the path that lets out right by the medical hut. One minute, he is minding his own business. Next, there is a Sibbi flying out a window- "..... what." 06:59:53 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *dives out the window after Sibbi, but is too much panda for that tiny window and gets stuck* AY-YAAAAAAAAH! ADDEEEEEE! GIVE ME PUSH BEFORE STRAW-HEAD ESCAAAAAAAAPE! 07:01:34 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: 8I;; O-okayokayoka--* ineffectually tries to push him through*
07:02:06 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi:


07:02:27 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *blinks* . . . Good luck, Addy!! *tries to get out the

doorway and tries to go after Sibbi* 07:03:26 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He watched Uncle get stuck and then Sibbi run and then Dalton run, so he followed after- "Oi! What the ever living feck did Sibbi do this time?" 07:07:06 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *kicking his stubby little legs* ADDEEEEEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! LAZY BOY! HE GET AWAYYYY! *kicks Addy in the nose (probably on accident) * 07:08:00 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: I---OWSORRY *okay this isn't working. He summons up a huge jet of wind and propels Uncle through the window like a champagne cork. Then he hurries out the door after him, clutching a bleeding nose** 07:08:49 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Glances over his shoulder, seeing Cilli and Dalton coming after him. NOPE NOPE NOPE. He races straight for the trees, wantin' to get to the shadows for escape* 07:09:26 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: He's trying to get to the council meeting!! Help me stop him! *sends a shock after Sibbi and misses the first time* Shit! Sibbi stop!! *tries to shock him again*
07:11:12 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *is not

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA *sails off into the jungle* 07:13:32 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: "On it!" -He exploded a fireball at Sibbi's back. Dalton's shock hit right as it detonated and the explosion's power multiplied07:16:40 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *GDI BURNT BACK AGAIN. He doesn't have time to dwell on that, though, because he's been propelled forwards. Flies through the air like a graceful swan, if graceful swans were screaming Norwegians spiraling into the trees of the jungle* 07:16:58 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: I'MSOSORR--*squeaks and covers his ears but avoids the blast anyway. He runs off into the jungle after Uncle. Cilli and Dalton have the bork handled at least* 07:19:03 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *Not expecting the explosion, he gets knocked back on his ass* ....*groans* 07:19:37 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *screaming incoherently in Chinese from the trees*
07:19:51 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He fell back too but he was laughing. He

sat up and lifted a hand to high five Dalton07:20:39 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *FOLLOWS THE INCOMPREHENSIBLE SCREAMING TO UNCLE* 07:21:04 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Is so disoriented rn. Where is he-- what is this. He's landed in the tree line. He tries to kind of half-roll closer to the shadows. So cloooose* 07:22:11 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *high fives and tries to get up, a little dizzy but impressed* Did he survive? 07:23:03 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He looked over towards Sibbi- "He seems to still be moving..."
07:24:18 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: 07:25:18 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *stands under whatever tree Uncle finds himself

in and calls up to him* H-hello? Sir?? 07:25:25 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *So dizzy he can't see straight, but he keeps rollin' closer to the shadows! Almost theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeere... gonna reach them soon if not stooooopped...* 07:28:24 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *dizzy flops toward Sibbi, trying to get the younger blond to stop* Sibbi, you're not allowed! *grabs the younger man's foot* 07:29:30 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Let go, Dalton! I just want to observe! *Tries to kick his foot away* 07:29:40 PM<Golly-chan>OHAOIHOA )

07:29:47 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He goes over and sits on Sibbi07:30:47 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *passed out at the base of a tree just kinda

chillaxin* =________________= 07:32:20 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: shitwhatdoIdooo?? *gently pokes Uncle, wondering if he should like drag him back maybe* 07:34:15 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *GETS KICKED. ELECTROCUTESOOPS* 07:35:08 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He yelps as he gets shocked- "dfhjsalkhfse hiudafjbdfabuilq4hfiua;kdjsbggelbj" 07:35:42 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *AOIHFOAIH OIFHAOIHA SHOCKED TOO. He finally stops struggling, groaning under the weight of Cilli like a limp fish* 07:37:09 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Something: *rustling int he forest coming closer to 2 derps and a bork* 07:39:30 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: HSFKSGSDG *reflexively smacks Addy when he gets poked* AHHH! YOU TRY TO KILL ME AGAIIINNNNN! *smacksmacksmack* 07:40:10 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *steps away, shielding his head* I'MSORRYI'MSORRYI'MSOSORRY 07:41:16 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: Well -that- was mildly unproductive....*stands up and looks down at the twitching, fussing pair* 07:41:46 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He moaned and groaned as he laid on Sibbi. He looked like he wasn't going to move for a good few minutes. He mumbled"I hategetting shocked..." 07:42:13 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo and Jace: *come out of the brush, staring down at them* .... .... ? 07:46:30 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Is ded fish still, ow. Doesn't even notice Jo and Jace* 07:46:46 PM<BlackRatchet>Uncle: AAAADDEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
07:50:22 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *looks up at Jo and Jace* . . . I stopped Sibbi from

going to the council meeting. . .? *laughs awkwardly and then tries to lift Cillian up* 07:51:25 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *gets punted in the jaw and stumbles away from Uncle* SORRY--I-I can help you get back, if-if you want, I-I didn't mean to I swear, 'm so sorry! 07:51:27 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He slowly flailed his way onto his feet after his legs stopped feeling like jello07:52:34 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *chuckles* It must have been quite the challenge. 07:52:56 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *looking towards the yelling* .... Whyyyyyyyy....... 07:53:22 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *rocks back and forth a few times to get back onto his feet, before brushing hisself off and poking Addy in the chest* NO MORE HELP FROM YOU! THE MORE YOU HELP, THE MORE I HURT! NO HELP! Why you just stand there, get me back to Hut! 07:55:07 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: Y-yessir! *starts ushering Uncle through the trees, back to the beach* It-it won't happen again sir. 07:55:27 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Oh are there more people here now? His brain kinda feels like jello from all the exploding and zapping. Looks up at Jo, cross-eyed* Who's that? 07:59:01 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: Sibbi jumped through a window when we tried to stop him. He was very determined to go to the meeting. *looks at Cillian and hopes the other won't fall* 07:59:43 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He grips onto Dalton's shoulder- "He just doesn't stop." 08:01:39 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *just chuckles some more, smiling down at Sibbi* 08:02:12 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *he grumbled and started heading towards the medical hut to check on uncle* 08:02:39 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *wait a second THAT'S A JO. He quickly tries to get up, stumbling a bit* Huh? Is the meeting over already...? 08:04:30 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: No, it not happen again, Addee . . . never again. *grumblegrumbletrudge* 08:06:52 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *nods his head several times in agreement as he accompanies him back to the medical hut* I-I'm really sorry... 08:07:34 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *looks between Jo and Sibbi* ...Is everything okay, Jo? 08:08:59 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He rubbed his head and looked at Jo-

08:11:16 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *grins more* Everything's spectacular. and yes, the

meeting is over. *starts wandering towards the medical hut after Jace* 08:13:05 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *coming up to the medical hut* 08:13:08 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: That certainly was fast... *winces a bit, because ow, his back. He realizes that he's back in his underwear, so he pulls up another shadow toga to cover himself whoops. And then he starts automatically following after Jo* What happened? 08:15:08 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *comes around the corner of the Hut, sees Jace, and shoves Addy away, hobbling over to his partner* Ay-yaaah! Jace, why you leave me with all the crazy ones? Oh, you still here, Jiao-Long? Come in, have some tea. 08:17:27 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *stumbles when shoved and stays clear out of Uncle's way, wiping some blood off his face* 08:17:53 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *stands there, looking off blankly for a moment, then looks over at Cillian* I'm sorry for getting you as well. 08:18:58 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Ah. I'm sorry. What happened to your nose Addy? 08:19:25 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Ah I'd love some~ 08:19:58 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He mumbled- "It's fine..." -He looked toward Sibbi and Jo- "At least we stopped him...?"
08:20:53 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Is ignoooooored*

Jo? What happened?

08:22:37 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *walks past everyone to go start some tea*

Addee's nose pay price for rest of Addee. 08:23:13 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *looks antsily across to Uncle and shakes his head* N-nothing. Um. Sorry Jace. 08:24:27 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *rolls his eyes and makes his way toward the hut* I have a feeling I should go see Buck soon. *sets his hands behind his back and occassionally checks on Cillian* 08:24:55 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Sorry? Why are you sorry? 08:25:03 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Hmm? What happened where? 08:25:49 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: At the meeting... 08:26:53 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He shuffled his way towards the hut as well- "To find out what happened...?" 08:29:00 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *bustling around, making tea and generally being nice to everyone but Addy and his nose* 08:30:05 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: ... *shrugs. He's not about to talk about blasting Jace's partner through the window okay* Um. G-getting hurt again? 08:31:33 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: Oh...there was a meeting with the council members over Jo. Apparently he wants to be big brother to all of the recruits. *smiles to himself and steps into the hut, then moves over to the side to stay out of the way* 08:33:50 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He sighed- "...What else is new?" -He stood next to him and watched the others08:34:55 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Don't be silly. Lemme see. *goes to make sure Uncle didn't break it* 08:35:22 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: It was a meeting. There was talking. Opinions. Voting. Quite the sight. *finds a comfortable place* 08:36:26 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *asoighaoih* S-stop being so vague! What was decided? *Sits by Jo. NOSEY AS HELL OKAY* 08:38:22 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *brings Jo and Jace a cup, then sits down in his favorite sleepin chair, sippin on dat tea* 08:39:13 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *fidgets a little but nods and holds still for Jace* Okay. I-I don't think it's broken... 08:41:37 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: What's new is that now he has the support to do it. *tucks his hands into his jeans' pockets and glances over at Cillian* You had better hope Lars shapes up quickly. 08:44:14 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He looked to the ground frowning- "I don't know what I am going to do about him..." 08:46:13 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: hm. Let me get some clothe for you. *digs through his supplies to give him something for the blood* 08:46:33 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Oh, you have a new leader of course!

08:49:22 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Froooowns* So you were picked to be the leader...

hm. *Doesn't like that news, nope not at all. Gets up, rubbing his shoulder a bit* 08:49:31 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: Um, I-I can just wash it off. I don't want to use up your stuff... 08:50:43 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: You figure out how to make him face the fact he has a partner, not a tagalong explosion fanatic. *laughs* Don't worry, it took me a while with Gereon too. 08:55:32 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: "I've tried really. I just don't know how to...I mean, sure I'm friendly enough with him and I do trust him most of the time but...There is just something. I can't figure it out." -He looked at Sibbi08:57:17 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: I didn't say that. 08:57:38 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *sighs a little* If you're sure. 08:57:39 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: ....*blinkblink* You were not picked to be the leader? Then who? 09:00:03 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *wipes his nose again* It-it should be fine. Thanks, Jace. 09:00:40 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *glaaaaares at Addy over his tea* 09:00:59 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: What do you mean something? *looks over at Jo and lifts a brow* 09:02:19 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: "There is something missing between us. I don't know what it is." -He stared at Jo too09:06:14 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: mm. They didn't seem too fond of the idea of me being part of the council. It's like they don't like me or something. 09:10:21 PM** Blood-and-Spicehas left [timed out] 09:11:12 PM** Blood-and-Spicehas joined 09:12:11 PM<prupelallitraitor>weba]] 09:13:11 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Of course. 09:13:13 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Then-- if not you, who was picked to be the leader? *derp confused face* 09:14:57 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *settles down to listen to the others, avoiding Uncles glare* 09:15:57 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *looks over at Jace* . . . 09:17:18 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He looked at Dalton and then looked at Jace- " Ah..." 09:19:03 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *goes to find a seat with his tea* 09:20:13 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Well, shortly after then Jace interrupted the 'sacred meating of the council' so he is to be put to death at sunrise as his consequence. 09:21:27 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *frowns at Jo in disbelieve* What? 09:21:32 PM<prupelallitraitor>*disbelief
09:21:44 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Excuse me. 09:21:53 PM<Golly-chan>meaintgi h)_ 09:23:10 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *stares at Jo* Sometimes I wonder if you just string

words together because you like the dumb looks people give you. 09:23:34 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: "what." 09:24:03 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *laughs* Well look at them how can I not? 09:25:46 PM** Blood-and-Spicehas left [connection closed] 09:26:21 PM** Blood-and-Spicehas joined 09:26:58 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *Looks at Jace like waht???* Tell me he's joking. 09:27:20 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: *siiiiiips* 09:27:30 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: <:I 09:28:23 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: Sibbi, Jo forgot to tell you he's also Santa Clause. *moves to find a place to sit down* 09:29:18 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: "....Isn't he a bit skinny to be Santa?" -He stayed in his spot09:29:36 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *siiiiip* 09:30:07 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Weeeell actually Zee had suggested himself too, so... 09:30:24 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: Wh-what's a sant--*eyezooms at Jo* What. 09:30:27 PM<prupelallitraitor>whoops[[ 09:30:37 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: Wh-what's a sant--*eyezooms at Jo* What.

09:32:29 09:33:50 09:33:59 09:35:07

PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: What... PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *rolls his eyes* Who's hand should we be kissing, Jo? PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: "Who...Oh. Oh. What." PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Ew. Don't kiss Zee's hand that would be disgusting.

I know where they've been. I hate to think of where they've been that I don't know. 09:36:04 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: S-so it's not, um, not Xipili? 09:39:58 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *still in waht mode* 09:42:03 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: . . . *chuckles* Let's make the first sacrifice Sibbi. 09:42:51 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: "....." -He just sighs and watches09:43:13 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: AHAHAHa. No. 09:43:43 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Who is the leader! I do not understand. 09:45:10 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: Oh. Okay. *starts fidgeting with his bracelet rather than press Jo for an answer* 09:45:24 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: Of course you not understand. Have head full of straw. *siiiip* 09:47:18 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: You're the leader, Sibbi. *smiles at the other blond* 09:51:01 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: "Ha." -He rolled his eyes09:51:53 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: Yep. How did you know Dalton?! They saw how wonderful he looks in his boxers and just knew- this is the leader of all men of the future. And signed you all over to him. 09:53:28 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: *CROSSES HIS ARMS* >:I Will you tell me who the leader really is, or do I have to go all the way to the temple to find out? 09:53:36 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *fdigetfidgetfidget* 10:01:47 PM<Blood-and-Spice>. 10:01:54 PM<prupelallitraitor>;v]] 10:02:48 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: It's me, Sibbi. *tries to keep a straight face as he watches the other . Nope, just starts to laugh, then glances back at Jo* Tell us? 10:03:46 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He leaned up against the wall just watching the others10:05:12 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *chuckles again* It's Jace. Of course. 10:06:49 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Ah! *Uncrosses his arms, smiling when he hears that* Well I'd say that's a good choice! Congratulations, Jace~ 10:07:37 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: *turns to stare at Jace with an expression as close to pity as he can get* 10:08:06 PM<Black-Ratchet>Uncle: Oh yes. Jace have soooo much free time, now he can stay busy. 10:08:40 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: Oh. Oh you evil bastards...*looks over at Jace* Don't you have -enough- stress in your life? 10:09:51 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He stared at Jace as well with his eyebrows raised waiting for him to say something10:11:02 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: *takes a slow sip* I'm the one that wanted Jo's help. 10:12:18 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Hm? Jo's help with what? 10:13:10 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: <:I *continues staring at Jace with the exact same expression a few moments more before going back to playing with his bracelet* 10:20:24 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: Well then. I guess everything is settled, so if you gentlemen will excuse me...*gets up from his seat* 10:21:11 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He watched Dalton with his eyebrows raised before looking back at Jace10:22:10 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I'll excuse myself, too. *Gives a small sigh, and heads on out for the door* 10:23:47 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace:... *Watching them get up* Take care then. Also, training exercises as a group will start again soon. As soon as I get some other things settled. 10:24:09 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jo: *just watchin'* c: 10:24:36 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: H-how many days do you think? 10:29:54 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Group training? That sounds like a good idea~ I will spread the news. Will you need any help 'settling things'? 10:30:00 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He watched Sibbi get up too before turning his attention back to Jace10:32:50 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: *looks over his shoulder at Jace* Whenever you're ready, Captain. *chuckles and looks at Sibbi* Let's go you exhibitionist.

10:35:05 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: I may in the future. For now I have to settle

things with the move of the medical hut and speak with the council some more on training. I'll get everyone informed when it's time. 10:36:24 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: Alright, I-- I am not an exhibitionist. *Huffs and frowns at Dalton* I got new clothes just recently! ....But I ah, may need your help with them. 10:36:36 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: Okay. I-if you ned any help, say. *falls silent and resumes fidgeting* 10:36:49 PM<prupelallitraitor>Addy: Okay. I-if you ned any help, say. *falls silent and resumes fidgeting* 10:36:51 PM<prupelallitraitor>la;isdjfalkdsf]] 10:37:00 PM*** You have been kicked by prupelallitraitor * 10:37:16 PM*** You have joined #DAMMEDPraragraphRp * 10:38:39 PM<SunnyMcFaceShovel>Cillian: -He nodded- "Thanks, Jace." -He gave the man a smile and moseyed on out10:42:19 PM<Jamie-L>Dalton: Why do -I- have to help you? I feed you and let you sleep in my house half of the time, now I have to make sure you're clothed properly too? Dammit, Sibbi, I'm your friend, not your mother. 10:43:25 PM** Black-Ratchethas left [connection closed] 10:43:54 PM<Golly-chan>Sibbi: I know that! I'm not asking you to do it for free. 10:44:31 PM<Blood-and-Spice>Jace: Of course. *raises an eyebrow at the other two before just relaxing back again with his eyes closed*

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