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serves 6-8

I bunch of kale I small cabbage I can diced tomatoes 2 carrots 1 celery rib 1 onion half pound dry cannellini beans or 2 cans 2 oz. Pancetta (optional) 2 small zucchini 1 large or 2 small potatoes - half pound day old firm bread rosemary, parsley, basil, tarragon, nepitella or other similar herbs cup olive oil, extravergin salt, pepper Parmigiano crust of Parmigiano (optional)

Soak beans the night before or use canned beans. The following day, rinse beans and place in a large pot with 2 quarts of chicken, vegetable broth, or water, cook for 1 hour or till almost done. Mash half the beans and set aside Wash and chop all vegetables and herbs. In a large pot, add half the oil and the chopped pancetta, if used; saut till pancetta is nicely browned. Add carrots, onion, potatoes and celery, add Parmigiano crust, stir few minutes then add kale and cabbage, let wilt then add tomatoes and herbs and beans. Add salt and pepper. Cook for about half-hour or till tender. Serve, placing 1 slice of toasted bread in each bowl, ladle soup on it, and sprinkle with Parmiggiano

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