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Physics of Nanoscale Devices II (EE727), 2013 Tutorial 2

(1) We have derived the following linear relations using Boltzmann equations: 1 T J e = L11 ( E + )] + L12 ( ) e z z T 1 J q = L21 ( E + )] + L22 ( ) e z z Find the expression for thermal conductivity from above equations. (2) Starting from the Boltzmann equation, the charge current can be written as (assuming no temperature gradient):
J e z = L11 ( E + 1 )] e z

where E is electric field applied along z-direction. Derive the drift-diffusion equation using the above expression. (Note: the relation between the mobility and drift coefficient is different for metals and degenerate semiconductors) (3) Derive the Motts law for the Seebeck coefficient:


2 k B 2T ln 3 e

(4) Derive the following equation of continuity for temperature from the Boltzmann eqn:
cV T J q + = .J t z

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