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4 4 60 iTV 1500 2500 TopekaCapital BrianWhite iTV 50 55 iRing iTV 9.7 iPad iTV 2012 AppleTV iTunes 2.20 431.99 1.1% 52 419

Analysts said Apple 60-inch TV will be released during the year

April 4, according to foreign media reports, institutions, analysts said Apple released the 60-inch TV product "iTV", priced at between $ 1500 to $ 2500. Institutional TopekaCapital analyst Brian White (BrianWhite), pointed out in a report released Wednesday, he learned that Apple later this year will be on sale this large size of the "iTV" television, launched 50-inch and 55-inch version. In addition, Apple also released a small named "iRing" device, users can use by virtue of its the pointing operation control TV. White also said that jointly issued there will be similar to the Tablet PC mini ITV. The device is configured 9.7-inch screen size and full-size iPad quite. "ITV" can send video images on the display device

to the other small-sized room. Similar to the concept of cable TV company plans to launch a set-top box device. White said his report is based on information collected from the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan companies, these companies provide equipment components for Apple. The report did not disclose the name of the company. Typically, Apple will not be published before the official product launch reviews, but the company's late co-founder Steve Jobs to his biographer, he wanted to re-development of the TV, and have thought a way. Last year there have been a large number of analyst reports, Apple TV products will be released in 2012. Apple is really selling a product called "AppleTV", but this is just a small device to let the TV play iTunes movies programs. Apple shares on Wednesday rose $ 2.20, to close at $ 431.99 per share. The Nasdaq composite index fell 1.1%. Apple's stock price is still approaching before January hit a 52-week low of $ 419 per share. he Skype Username mcmansions ) Sina Weibo (browser community and hearing ,)

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