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Shari Wickline - Time Log for EDT-716 Date 4/18/2012 Times 10am 12pm 2 hours 2:30 pm 5:00 pm 2.

2.5 hours 4/25/2012 10 am 2 pm 4 hours What I Worked On - I spent time setting up features in the Moodle class for Cyber-Safety.


- I spent time looking for sites that I could use to build apps. I found numerous articles that related to the course as well as many paid services for app building. I would be trying two of the ones I found to see what is involved in using them as part of my project. They are Game Kit and Buzz Touch. - I set up an account on developed an app to be used in correlation with the course I am designing for the class. The process was rather different. I am not sure how functional this particular type of app would be for a classroom teacher to utilize. In order to make it accessible for students to use it must be reviewed and okayed for Public Publication. It can be viewed using in a basic format. - I set up an account at Buuz Touch and it is not easy to navigate. I cannot find a way to view what my app looks like as I am building it. I also downloaded the Game Kit Trial. It requires coding, or at least and understanding of how to build apps suing such methods. - I spent some time searching for sites that allow games to be generated. I want to make something interactive that can be used as a support for the course material. I found some and will be looking at them more tonight in class - I gathered the information I wanted to use for the WordPress book using Wikibooks.


9:30 11:30 2 hours 8pm 9:30 1.5 hours 9 am 12 pm 3 hours 11am 2pm 3 hours 9am 1:30pm 4.5 hours 1pm 6 pm 5 hours 5pm 9:30pm 4.5 hours 2pm 4pm 2 hours 7:30pm 8:30pm 1 hour 10am 12:30pm 2.5 hours 11am 4pm 5 hours


- I continued to gather information to use when developing the Word Press book.


- I spent time setting up the iBuildApps template for an iPad. I designed the main screen and began to find and upload videos related to cyber-safety. - I spent time adding information pages to my app at the iBuildApps site. I added hyperlinks to various web based games that will enhance student understanding of cyber-safety, etiquette and bully prevention. I was able to get the app completed. - I spent time setting up the template for my website using I decided on how many pages I would have and the type of content I wanted to add. I develop the home page, safety and the etiquette page. - I continued working on my website. I added the cyber-bully page; videos page and an informational page about the website. I also developed a blog to add to the website also using - I worked on setting up the template for my WordPress book. I began to write and add content to the pages. - I continued working on the WordPress book.







- Continued working on WordPress book.


- Continued working on WordPress book.


- Completed working on WordPress book and went through all apps to see if any changes needed to be made.

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