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Littering in America

By:Christian Quintero & Gerardo Villalobos PER 4

What is litter?By:Christian

Litter is a wasting of products. To litter means to throw Litter is associated with containers, Wrappers and paper product

What is litter?By:Gerardo

Litter is a wasting of products. To litter means to throw Litter is associated with containers, Wrappers and paper product

Why do people litter?By:Gerardo

They cant be bothered or are too lazy to find a bin They have no sense of pride in their community There arent enough fines for littering

Why do people litter?By:Christian

They cant be bothered or are too lazy to find a bin They have no sense of pride in their community There arent enough fines for littering

Strategies to prevent people from littering?By:Christian

Put a poster on every bus stop that says KEEP AMERICA CLEAN. Put trash cans on every corner. Make signs to keep people from littering.

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