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NAME: Rishab Kumar ROLL NO.: A14 REGISTRATION NO.: 11005158 SECTION: JK001. COARSE NAME: Object Oriented Concepts.(CSE103T)

Title: Railway Reservation.

Objective/aim This is the synopsis of the project named RAILWAY RESERVATION. we will make the project by using the class. A class is a way to bind the data and its associated functions together. It allows the data to be hidden,if necessary, from external use.

Technical details: *For Railway Reservation, we create a class (class railway). *The class declaration part contains the declaration of class members which are usually grouped under two sections, private and public. The private section consists of: 1. ticket no, 2. compt no, 3. platform no, 4. arrival time and seat no of integer type. 5. Distance and ticket price of float type. 6. tname and pname of charater type.

The public section contais the three member fuctions: void initialize() which is used to input the values, void deposit() which is used to deposit the ticket prices and to get the compartment, void display() used to display the values. gets fuction is used to input the string and puts function is used to display the string. The void main() part is used to get the output of the program. Here, we declare the object and with the help of the object we call the member fuctions of the class to get the output. LIBRARY/HEADER FILES USED: #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> Innovative and usefulness: This project will be very beneficial for the railway department, employees and pasangers. By using this pasangers can easily get t he information about the availability of seats, ticket prices etc. It will help in saving the time and energy because of the possibility of online information and online booking of seats. By using this project there are very less changes of inconvenience tothe pasangers. The reservation staff ca n easily get the information of vacancy of seats. SYSTEM REQUIREMENT:

Computer Hard disk- minimum 80 GB RAM(Random access memory)- 2GB Language- cpp

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