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June 11, 2010 In the above attachment is the first draft of a new international legal action, The People vs. the Federal Reserve/IRS, directed against the heart of the hideous many-headed hydra of the global financial system that presently dominates and desecrates the earth. The heads of this hydra-like cartel are found primarily in the Federal Reserve System headquartered in the US capital's District of Columbia, the UK's independent City of London banking district, the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) in Basel, Switzerland and the Vatican Bank in Vatican City, located as a theocratic sovereign state in the heart of Rome, Italy, with the Federal Reserve and US Internal Revenue Service (IRS) being the most appropriate defendants for any lawsuit that originates in the United States as this one does. As you will see, this legal brief -- which lives up to its name in length -- contains a legal theory containing a dramatic twist, with elements of social satire; it does judicial judo on the authoritarian laws that have been imposed on the people of the world -- particularly the American people -- by their current controllers, and possibly offers a powerful yet peaceful channel by which the voices of dissent against this transnational tyranny can be heard as a cogent statement of their longstanding grievances. It is possible that this action could be joined by the people of eight nations other than the United States that have universal jurisdiction: Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Spain and the United Kingdom. Those who wish to participate will have to determine how their rights under universal jurisdiction would apply in this case. Anyone wishing to join this case should email the lead litigant at as soon as possible, so that it can proceed as an effective public action during this time of extreme planetary crisis. When this lawsuit attracts at least one hundred co-plaintiffs, and at least one committed lawyer with the courage and capacity to coordinate such a complex case with that many litigants, it will begin to be filed under advisement of such counsel by the lead litigant, who has conceived and written the first draft of the case, found in the attachment above. Anyone who wants to use this draft as a template to file a separate suit in their own nation(s) would be welcome to do that as well; we encourage them to keep us informed as to the progress of such efforts. If the peoples of this world are ever to become truly free, they need to be empowered to act in conscious concert to reclaim their sovereign individual and collective universal human rights, and do so in a manner that has readily recognizable relevance, which such a legal action as this one seeks to afford.

The idea is to so overload the current irremediably corrupt global systems with functional information that they collapse, taking their embedded parasites with them; to put a sufficent supply of trumpets into the hands of the people of the world -- this planet's only real superpower -- so that they can together sound their instruments to bring down the crumbling walls of Jericho that presently block their way out to reach the promised land. The lead litigant therefore hopes that many will respond to this message, so that this particular action can go forward. However, if that response is not forthcoming, she simply will regard this as one more thing she need not do, and as another piece of legal performance art of which she as a classical performance poet is -- justly -- proud. Respectfully and hopefully submitted, Rebecca Em Campbell Lead Litigant/Author-The People vs. the Federal Reserve/IRS

DRAFT THE PEOPLE VS. THE FEDERAL RESERVE/IRS Rebecca Em Campbell, [YOUR NAME HERE!] et al, Plaintiff(s) vs. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System/Benjamin Bernanke, President The United States Department of the Treasury/Timothy Geithner, Secretary of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service/Douglas Shulman, Commissioner Defendants JURY TRIAL REQUESTED COMPLAINT FOR DECLARATORY AND INJUNCTIVE RELIEF

Article I, Section 3 of the US Constitution, thereby ending the usurpative control exerted since 1913 by the Federal Reserve System, that, contrary to its carefully cultivated public image as an agency of the US government, is actually a private corporation that, since its dubious inception, has served the interests of a global bank-based corporate crime syndicate rather than the interests of the American people. DATED this ____ day of ________, 2010. ______________________________ ____________ Rebecca Em Campbell, Pro Se/Lead (Co-)Plaintiff 107 Pine St., No. 332 Seattle, WA 98101-1550 Other Co-Plaintiffs Yet to Be Identified

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