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global class HttpCallYahooQuotes { // @future(callout=true) public void getQuotes() { //for our simple example we are going to just update

the quotes on one A ccount Account acct = [select id, TickerSymbol, stock_price__c from account wher e name = 'Ibminfoo']; //where f stands for the fields to be displayed (in this case: s - symbol ; l1 - last price; c1 - change; d1 = last date) // String url = ''+acct.TickerSymbo l+'&f=sl1c1d1&e=.csv'; String url = ''+acct.Ticke rSymbol+'&f=l1&e=.csv'; Http h = new Http(); HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest(); req.setEndpoint(url); req.setMethod('GET'); HttpResponse res = h.send(req); //omitting error handling for example acct.stock_price__c = decimal.valueOf(res.getBody().trim()); update acct; } }

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